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RE: Rap for Three Tune Tuesday - Week 109 - 10 HBI shares to be won!

in Music11 months ago

That's some great stuff there! I like the old school rap as well. Das EFX is one of my favorites. There is a Sirius/XM channel called Rock the Bells Radio. It's all stuff curated by LL Cool J. It's really good stuff. Lot's of old guys like Big Daddy Kane and things like that.


Cheers man, ya old school Rap is quality...

Das EFX I only heard about via #ttt would ya believe!? He's quality 👌

There is a Sirius/XM channel called Rock the Bells Radio.

Nice I'll have to check that out man

That is pretty crazy that you heard about it on #TTT! I think my wife would kill me if I ever took away her satellite radio!