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RE: Have Electricity, Will Travel

in Actifit3 years ago

There is a concept of "energularity" similar to the technological singularity. Ray Kurzweil talks about exponential growth of solar power. I am sure electricity will continue to get cheaper to produce. It will always cost something but the cost can be spread out over many users. Sort of like water. I can take a water bottle and fill it up at a public drinking fountain for free. I didn't directly pay for the public drinking fountain, its installation, maintenance or even pumping the water from its source and filtering it. A small fraction of everyone's taxes went toward those costs. A bunch of people paid a few cents for water to be given out for free.


Yea technology is deflationary and it is causing the prices of everything produced down. Yes the government will end up paying for part of these costs and it would be great if the decrease in costs can also be passed down from the government to the people.