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RE: PhotoChain Challenge: 33rd Edition Start - 32nd Edition's Winners

in Feel Good4 years ago

Congratulations to the winners @qwerrie and @rafaelgreen. Awesome photos. Next one is a bit daunting but will try my best. Good luck to everyone on the next!


totally agree, maybe @davidesimoncini choose winning entries exactly so that the keywords summ up for something unique and hard to find :P
i even thought its a dead end! but no,, I found some crimson air and will share it in 2 mins :))


Yay for you. I'm still stumped. I have ideas but no photos to go along with them 😢 Can't wait to see your entry. @melinda010100's is just fabulous.

Thank you very much, the next challenge looks strong but I will try to make a good attempt.
Greetings, excellent weekend

Same to you. I look forward to your entry.