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RE: my journey to the Alphabet Land (day Y)

in Feel Good β€’ 4 years ago

It would be exhausting to make a third post in a week for the challenge, you can post your Z lnext week if you want 😊 ...anyway you will be the only one to have made the three last, which is something you appreciate, don't you my friend ..?πŸ˜‰
I do not know Yves Delorme but yes it sounds french for sure, and I'm in no way a reference when it is about any luxury thing...LoL...I have neither the money, nor the desire to own expensive things, I live a so simple life where we buy only minimal food to not die of hunger, and I'm dressed in the Quechua fashion that is pretty cheap and comfortable, all what I love πŸ˜„ My only big expenses are usually with some techie stuff like my drawing tablet, or a smartphone that has a decent camera, but that is not something I have to do very often fortunately !😁