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RE: Sailor Sam Hazy IPA for Beer Saturday

in BEERlast year

I would be tempted to try that one due solely to the can art.

My birthday was earlier this month and my daughter gifted me with a box of about 24 random beer, ranging from hazy IPAs to chocolate stouts. Last year there was a banana bread beer which was surprisingly great! I'm going to need to start digging in, soon.


My birthday was earlier this month and my daughter gifted me with a box of about 24 random beer, ranging from hazy IPAs to chocolate stouts.

Nice present that! Happy days or even Hoppy days!

It's a great present, to the point I was even selfish this year and reminded her that I was looking forward to it! Some of the beers are great, but some are... not so much. It's a rarity I find myself dumping one down the sink, anyway.