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RE: Curved Shadows…

in Shadow Hunters4 years ago

Definitely the black & white version. That thing looks interesting and strange at the same time to me 🤪

Cheers and !BEER


Yeah, that's also my favorite...
Interesting & strange? Maybe. But not as much as that Austrian water you call !BEER 😉

... but it looks like real !BEER doesn't it?

Hey @pixelfan, here is a little bit of BEER from @johannpiber for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


You have just been bro-fisted by the guys in the man cave and now have 1 more BRO. Enjoy!**

For more info, please give us a look in here:

Hey @johannpiber, here is a little bit of BEER from @pixelfan for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Thank you for the 🍺 @pixelfan 😁