entry reflections 53

in Shadow Hunters2 years ago (edited)

yes we all like the perfect mirror reflections that make everything seem so simple and clear and perfect. wouldn't it be nice if life was like that.

but it's not like that at all. so instead of pretending or hoping why not peer directly into your murky confused complicated hard to explain reality of existence. in time, as fragments of truth begin to emerge clutch onto them, not in desperation but grasp them firmly. their beauty will slowly seep subliminally past your defenses. as more accumulate they start to fit together and make sense. persist and they will begin to flow freely into your welcoming arms.

now look again, closer and tell me what you see.

if you would like to join in this contest here is the link:


Wow! Great reflection photos again ❤️! Thank you @eolianpariah2 for making our contest brighter 🤗!

Nice selfie reflection in the window. Thank you for participating in the Reflection hunters contest. 😎 👏