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RE: Things are getting worse...

There is only one wave...It was contained by staying at home and distancing .. Now people are out and spreading it... Herd immunity is fastest way of getting rid of it...just like any virus...Some Scientists and media are keeping the fear going to stop TRUMP.


You really think Belgian/European scientists are impressed by Trump?
You're giving that clown way too much importance 😂

And BTW, my wife is a nurse, my sister in law is a nurse... I really think they know what they're talking about when they say the second wave is here... At least, in Belgium.
I suppose the first wave never ended in the US...

Keep dreaming ...

What a short answer for a conspiracyist ... I expected more. Now I am really disappointed 😛

I'm not impressed with your short sightedness.. after all you are a product of the information you take in...