Unplanned evening run

in EXHAUST2 years ago

I just finished a 9.010km running that lasted about 0hh:45mm:18ss !


Monday was supposed to be a cycling day, but when I saw the temperature was significantly lower than the past few days, I couldn't let that pass and I decided I would go for another run. It's one of the reasons I usually don't follow a very precise plan, I like to keep it flexible depending on the conditions, especially weather. It was indeed quite nice for late June, around 72F or 22C, and still sunny when I started, after a warm up walk with the dogs. No target on distance, and even less on pace. But it turned out to be my longest run since I resumed training. And considering it was the second run in a row, and I didn't want to overdo it like I often do, the pace wasn't too bad either. A little slower than last run, but still faster than the previous ones. And even if I started too fast again, after the initial slow down, it was much more consistent:


I will still call that progress! In spite of a persistent and complete lack of stretching, I don't feel too sore, and I probably could have run a bit longer. But it wouldn't have been reasonable. Plus I wanted to catch the sunset during the following cool down walk with the dogs. I failed on that last one though, we were too late.

Now for Tuesday, I am switching to cycling for sure, even if the summer heat is not completely back (it will be soon enough unfortunately). Till then, keep Exhausting.

Updated totals for June:

SportsJune Total (miles)June Total (km)