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RE: Human Matrix || Are We Deceived?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

Hello friend, it's a pleasure to read such an interesting publication.
from my point of view I believe that we have been created by an entity or a higher energy, in many conversations I have said that we are an experiment that we are like an ant garden and someone is testing what the result is, I have had paranormal experiences and I am UFO researcher the psychic area, and I can tell you that in the experiences that I have lived, I have had things that question my beliefs so it is a subject that is gray and dark.
You mention that there are certain characteristics in the pyramid scheme that one can recognize, could you tell me what they are?

Posted using Partiko Android


Thank you so much for your feedback.

In my opinion in a way, Pyramid System by it's appearance tells something and that is, everything is controlled by one entity on the top, like, Chain Of Commands, may be here we have Chain Of Authorities which are hidden and whatever is visible for us it's just a glimpses of Puppet Show which happens behind the scenes.

Ever imagined only few can afford everything and others have to struggle all the time and to deceive us they come up with all the stories like, success means only hard work and years of toughness, but life is simple but to consume our energy and to depress positive energy Work System is there, in my opinion nowadays work is nothing but Pyramid System itself, people are going to job to earn that money and after that Banks are ready with the Debt Trap that means people have to stay in the State Of Tension all the time.

Why we cannot live like one Community, we can because Earth 🌏 gave us everything but some evil people dominated everything and they are calling this Domination a State Of Richness. If this world will come out of little Ego Of Ownership then for whole world earth will become Heaven, but at this moment we are in the slave world and unfortunately today's Corporate Work is the king of slavery making.

Let's hope that one day people will awake to the reality and will see how simple life is, once we understand the Fake Reality of Money and Monetary World.

Have a great time ahead and stay blessed.