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RE: Get Bitcoin At Australia Post Offices

in Project HOPE4 years ago

I saw you muted me on the community and yes I totally understand the reason.
Was not aware that "subscribing"could show my posts in your community without your prior approval.
My apologies for not knowing that. I subed to not miss future contests.
What i was not aware either is that beeing muted would block me even from commenting.
Let's hope you will unmute me when I reach the magic number.


I can unmute when you unsubscribe as most contests are open to everyone on Hive platform. As Dolphin Assemble is not a free for all to post to prevent spam so I have muted those who subscribed without reading the community rules stated. I will unmute you when I am back home after work when I check that you have unsubscribe.

understandable and of coure I unsubed already.