This post was hidden due to low ratings.


Hello @hassanabid

Thank you for choosing project.hope HIVE, however I would need to ask you not to post within project.hope HIVE/community if your publication is not related to topics such as (listed in our community description):

  • technology,

  • blockchain,

  • artificial intelligence

  • machine learning

  • economy,

  • business,

  • marketing, psychology, etc.


Otherwise you may unfortunatelly end up making our little community looking little messy. Hope I'm making sense? For that reason I need to MUTE this publication within our community.

@project.hope team

Okay sir i will take care of this next time i hope only this post is muted right ? not me ?

Dear @hassanabid

Okay sir i will take care of this next time i hope only this post is muted right ? not me ?

Indeed. Just this post.

Yours, Piotr