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RE: 31SentenceContest Round 31 – Oivas’ Entry

in OCD4 years ago

“This is the kind of thing which manifested the demon in the first place,” Shaz noticed that it was a pack of tarot cards with Waz, “you want to worsen it?”

This way of thinking lead to many mass murders. 🤣 STupid people suck!

“Dude, I messed up,” Waz was panting at Shaz’s door, “that entity had attached itself to the card and followed me home, and now it is wreaking havoc everywhere.”

😂 Pesky demons! Yes, the prison is free of evil - 😵


Yeah, stupidity is the wide spread ailment.. Not coronavirus... I have to admit. Thanks for stopping by our entertaining host! 😃 😃

Also, now you know how to get rid of demons from haunted locations.. Bring them home.. 🤣🤣😂