Tegoshei's Quick Sketches #001: Megane and a Flower

in OCD3 years ago

Recently, I find myself sketching stuff whenever I get the chance. These are just quick sketches of random things, though. And because of it, I decided to make it a habit. Somehow, it's also a good practice for me, especially that one of my goals is to draw as much as I can and try to improve my drawing skills.

I want to share my quick sketches here, so I decided to create a series called "Tegoshei's Quick Sketches". I can't promise to post or make something every day, but I'll give it a try. At least three to four times a week would be awesome.

Despite this, I'd continue painting or creating artworks as well. I need more time and effort for that, so let's see. It's kind of difficult to juggle my hobbies, work and other stuff. Today wasn't the best day either as I feel a little stressed. Good thing that two of my students were absent, so somehow I could rest for a bit. At the moment I'm writing this, I still have a couple classes to go before I can call it a night.


These are my sketches for today. I'll be talking about them bit by bit. :)



I saw a kind of challenge on Facebook a while ago. There was this picture of an anime character's face and a random model's body wearing fashionable outfit. The challenge was to draw the character in that outfit. And so, I did. I only have a few minutes left before my next class that time, so I quickly sketched it using pencil then a black pen.



I got a bit bored while waiting for my next student, so I decided to make a quick sketch of myself in manga style. I was looking at myself on the video and quickly scribbled my stressed face. haha


I also wanted to try drawing something else like flowers, random objects, and so on... and so to fill up the remaining space, I drew this flower. haha

I still have a long way to go, but it was a fun way to pass the time while waiting for my student. From now on, I'll be placing my sketchpad on my work desk so I can scribble anytime I want. Hopefully through this, my drawing skill improve even a tiny bit. haha

I'll end this post here for now. I still have to prepare for the last two classes. See you around!!!



Thanks ate~! <3