Let's Play - Episode 9: Just Cause 2 - Driving to the Reaper's mission and died once

in OCD4 years ago


Welcome back, readers! In this video, Rico was driving from the Gunung Gila Pangkat Facility to the mission site while he sang his favourite songs from the yesteryears. It was not that clear from the video as I was using the Marshall earpiece with in-built microphones and the sounds from driving.

The black arrow indicates the current location and the small orange arrow indicates the mission's site

7 minutes and 58 seconds into the video, I was run down by the military jeep and I was shocked. I was teleported back to the same facility I was on before and need to drive again to the mission site.

Milliseconds before I was run over by this idiot

Halfway through my second time driving, Rico was slow to react to his teammate being continuously shot at by the police after we crashed another vehicle and was thrown out. I was hoping that I can save him but it was too late. I was pissed off and find another neutral vehicle to fend off the police.

The police shooting continuously at the gunman

After arriving at the mission site;

Bolo Santosi: The Reapers need more equipment as the revolution draws closer. You must steal an armoured car for me.

Thus, in the next episode, we will begin to shoot all the cars in the Panau with rockets while completing the mission! Watch the video for full immersion of the experience. Signing off! Sejuk!
