Russia sort of bans Bitcoin and legalizes it at the same time 😂

in LeoFinance4 years ago (edited)

Russland verbietet irgendwie Bitcoin, aber legalisiert es gleichzeitig 😂

Wie ernst es Staaten mit der finanziellen Freiheit ihrer Bürger meinen, sieht man an deren Umgang, wie sie Kryptowährungen regulieren oder zu verbieten versuchen.

Russland verbietet in Zukunft Kryptowährungen als Zahlungsmittel für Waren und Dienstleistungen zu verwenden — eine der zukünftigen Hauptanwendungen von Kryptos — erlaubt aber in Bitcoin zu investieren, aber haltet euch fest, es gibt einen Haken:

“Possession of digital currency, its acquisition and transfer by legal means are allowed only if declared.”

Der Besitz, Erwerb und Überweisung von Kryptos ist also nur dann erlaubt, wenn diese vor Behörden deklariert werden.

Weiters erlaubt Russland Firmen Stablecoins zu emittieren. Ob diese russischen Stablecoins dann als Zahlungsmittel zulässig sind, ist unklar.

Denke generell, dass hier nicht das letzte Wort gesprochen ist und es auch schwierig sein wird bei dezentralen Kryptowährungen, derartige autoritäre Restriktionen durchzusetzen, wenn es genügend Menschen verwenden.

Was sagt ihr zur neuen Regulierung in Russland? Gut oder schlecht für Kryptos?



Russia somehow bans Bitcoin, but legalizes it at the same time 😂

Just how seriously states take the financial freedom of their citizens can best be seen in the way they deal with cryptocurrencies, how they regulate or attempt to ban them.

Russia will ban the use of cryptocurrencies as a payment method for goods and services — one of the main future applications of cryptos btw — but allows investment in Bitcoin, but hold on, there is a major catch:

"Possession of digital currency, its acquisition and transfer by legal means are allowed only if declared."

So possession, acquisition and transfer of cryptos are only allowed if declared before authorities.

Russia also allows companies to issue stablecoins. It is unclear however, whether Russian stablecoins are then allowed as means of payment.

Bottom line, I think that the last word is not spoken here and it will be difficult to enforce such authoritarian restrictions in decentralized cryptocurrencies if enough people use and back them.

What do you say to the new regulation in Russia? Good or bad for cryptos?



Live your Secrets and Hive Prosper 🍯

xx Viki @vikisecrets


Die Russen wissen nich was sie wollen.

Liebe Grüße Michael


Dienstanweisung von oben: "Kümmert euch mal um dieses Kryptozeugs, wir brauchen Regelungen!" - "Um was? Ähm... ist schon in Arbeit."

Interesting. Having to declare ownership seems pretty standard. Most countries require their citizens to pay taxes on their crypto. I wonder about not being able to spend their crypto though. It sounds like they may not want people to be able to interact with the global market perhaps, or maybe they don't want their money leaving the country? Interesting to think about.

It's a bit like you are allowed to buy a car as an investment if registered but it's prohibited to actually drive the car 😂

Hahaha yeah I suppose it is. I never thought of it that way. Thats funny

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