Why Metamask users are switching to Tally Ho ?

in LeoFinance2 years ago


The true ownership of crypto is owning it completely !

Does the above live bewilder you?
Then have a re look at the idea of ownership of your crypto.

If you are holding your crypto in a centralized crypto platform where you are now holding the private keys.

Instead it is the platform that holds the keys and controls the funds. So technically they can do whatever they wish to do with the funds.
Remember what happened to the over leveraged 3 Capital not so long ago?
It sank like the Titanic in the crypto waters.

Are you better off holding your crypto in Metamask ?

Well relatively except for there are so many phishing attempts targeting Metamask wallets.

So what could be better than Metamask for holding your crypto?

Tally Ho is a new community owned wallet. Where you hold the keys .
This you may say makes it at par with Metamask wallet so how is it better?

Tally Ho is a bag of opportunities

To start the list of good things.
a) The fee on transacting using Tally Ho is 50% that of using Metamask.
That means every time we transact and pay the fee we make a 50% fee saving which by any stretch of imagination is huge.

b) It is a community owned wallet so you and I as the community own the wallet.
The fee paid by us as users of the wallet goes to wards the creation of a DAO
So more we transact the more funds are directed to the DAO pool.
With this resource being strengthened there may be a possible airdrop for the users.
Creation of DAO would also mean that we as the community members
would have a say in the future development of the Tally Ho project and the way and the direction in which it grows.

It is the time to be an early adopter of Tally Ho?

In crypto just as in any other asset it is all about starting early.

Joining the dots

To start with using the Tally Ho wallet with full controlled of your keys should be a good incentive to get on to the Tally Ho wallet
The 50% fee saving benefit is the icing on the cake

  • Shape the future of the project by participating in the DAO formation
  • Do I smell a potential airdrop?
    Well it can surely happen however that should not be the only incentive to use it.
  • It is super easy to use
    Do not take my word for it see the ease with which I install it in 3 simple steps
  1. Download the wallet from https://tally.cash/download/


Select the browser option that you are using
Choose from Chrome, Firefox or Brave

I choose Chrome

3-I choose chrome.jpg

and Click the add to chrome button on the browser page.
Follow the on screen instructions.
For me it was a one step process and the wallet got installed.


  1. Create wallet
    Click on the cute dog icon on the extention tool bar (make sure you pin in there for easy access)


Click the continue button
Click on the continue button a couple of times and get started button once till you get the following screen


Since it is a new wallet for me I would create a new wallet and transfer some funds for testing.

Clicking on create wallet prompts me for a password.


  1. Back up and save the secret phrase


Once I back up my secret I am good to start using my wallet

One can switch between chains by using the drop down manu


You are all set to start using the Tally Ho wallet and be a part of a golden crypto future.


Hi @thetimetravelerz

Thanks for sharing this content, I was unaware that Metamask users are switching to Tally Ho. I will do some research to know more details, but that sounds good about the possible airdrop.

Best regards, be well.

Hello Dear friend,
Actually this is a new wallet and with some new features it is a tempting deal for many.
Thanks for stopping by buddy !