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RE: # 716 - 21st Century Type Set - Part 2

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Lincoln's mother provided much of his early education. She was a rarity on the frontier, in that she could read. Young Lincoln seldom was without a book and spent hours studying Shakespeare, Byron, and even Euclid's geometry. Despite having little formal education, he triumphed with determination. Lincoln ultimately developed a talent for expression rarely equaled by others. Another virtue instilled in Lincoln by his parents was the belief that in America anyone willing to work hard could find betterment. Hard work was what he did best. Stories abound of the "rail-splitter" whose legendary axe skills allowed Lincoln to produce, in a typical day, 400 rails for a wage of 25 cents. By most accounts, his aspiration to succeed was unparalleled.

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Is that the real log cabin where Lincoln was born?

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