My NFT Journey

in LeoFinance2 years ago

My art is everything to me

Let me share with you a little bit of my story when it comes to be a photographer and how NFTs have been a blessing to me.

(For the second time, because I have written this blog post once, but for some reason the draft was deleted and I have to do it all over again)


The beginning

This all started many years ago when I have started looking for ways to monetise my photography and make some money out of my art. And for a while decentralised social media platforms were the way I was sharing my art and making some sort of income.

Platforms like TSU, STEEM, HIVE, LEO FINANCE, APPICS and so many others, I could keep going but believe the list would be too long.

I am still doing that and I am still creating content in many of those platforms but after reading and seeing so much conversations about NFTs I had to give it a go.

The goal was to get on Foundation

As a Photographer, the most popular and the biggest marketplace for photography NFTs I have seen was Foundation. That is very exclusive and you only can get in if you get an invitation.

I have seen many photographer be very successful in there and that's where I wanted to be minting my works. But after a while of trying to get an invite I had to come up with a secondary plan.

The Backup plan

After doing a little bit more research to find a place to start minting my art I came to the conclusion that the best place, after foundation, to be minting photography it would be OpenSea.

So I have decided to go for and mint my Genesis piece in there. And that's what I did. After a while, and after minting some other pieces. A lot of attempts to promote my work and ZERO sales I knew I had to do something different.

And yes, to this day I have not got any sales on OpenSea and it have been months.

Still have some works there that can be collected and you can go and check them out.

Click to see my OpenSea Gallery

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My turn point came with Kalamint

Since I was not getting any attention on OpenSea, even after many attempts to promote my works I have decided to research a little bit more and look for smaller marketplaces. I thought that way I would have higher chances to get my work seen by Collectors.

That's when I came across the Tezos Blockchain and the marketplaces they have to offer.

The first one I have discovered and minted was Hicetnunc. I have minted some pieces, got a couple of sales. But once again my works were not picking up a lot of traction. But then, when scrolling on Twitter I have heard about Kalamint and that's when I have decided to go all in.

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Getting my works collected

When I saw this marketplace and saw that the NFT community in there was growing I knew I wanted to give it a go. So I have decided to put Hicetnunc on the back plan and start minting mainly on Kalamint.

Thankfully, not only the community in general was very welcoming but also some of the collectors were enjoying my works and collecting them.

The team that works on the platform is always very helpful and supportive of the creators that decide to mint and use their marketplace and I have been very lucky to be able to keep getting my works continually collected on this marketplace.

Thanks to the Kalamint team and community not only my photos have been collected by people from all over the World, but also I had the opportunity to have my work on a billboard in Times Square, New York.

If you want to check my Kalamint gallery you can do it and collect as many works as you can, if they are not all sold out.

Click to check my Kalamint Gallery

More to come

It's been about 6 months since I have minted my first NFT on OpenSea and I am still a baby in this World but I am here to stay and to make waves. So keep an eye on me and what I am doing.

This is not financial advice, but you might want to collect one of my NFTs.


Earn Money by completing simple tasks online

Snapchat: sergiomendess
TikTok: thesergiomendes

Delegate to @sergiomendes
50 HP - 100 HP - 250 HP - 500 HP - 1000 HP

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Olá Sergio! Esse Kalamint é realmente bom? Eu estou com algumas das minhas fotos no Mintable, mas ainda venderam nada. Como tá a exposição no Kalamint, é mais exposto? Obrigado!

Kalamint e na tezos blockchain. Eu tenho tido sorte por la e tenho feito vendas. Promovendo no twittet e taggando o Kalamint. Indo connectando com a comunidade. A nivel de fotografia ha uma boa quantidade de fotografias no market. Ha tambem uma boa quantodade de artistas brasileiros. Acredito que com todas as confusoes que tem havido no hicetnunc que e outro marketplace na tezos, mas que tem tido imensos problemas. Hajam mais creadores e colecionadores que se vao juntar no Kalamint. Euvpara mim e onde tenho feito mais vendas.

Gracas a eles a algumas semanas tive o meu trabalho 3 nome em Times Square. 🥰

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