The ideal post length in Hive and LeoFinance

in LeoFinance2 years ago

All of us who dedicate ourselves to writing publications on platforms such as Hive and LeoFinance (or on any other platform), at some point wonder about what is the ideal length for our texts; and the answer can be relative in many ways.

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Create long posts or short posts? Which is the best option?

By reviewing some old publications I have been able to read the most diverse opinions on the subject. There are those whose say that long publications are the ones that arouse the best and major levels of attention among readers and therefore the ones that obtain the best rewards; and there are also opinions that hold that short posts are the best in this regard.

I'll proceed to give you my thoughts on this topic in a moment, but first, let's focus on talking about one important aspect that motivates people to talk about this topic: The rewards...

As we all know, when we post here on Hive (and on LeoFinance), we get rewarded based on the number of votes (and voter level) our posts get. But that quantity and level of votes (which, after all, is a level of reader interaction with our content), is given based on the ability of our posts to arouse the interest and attention of our potential readers.

In other words, the importance of accurately elucidating the ideal length of the posts we create come from the point of view of awakening, attracting and/or taking advantage of the level of attention of our potential readers; who are the consumers of our content, because ultimately, this will motivate them to read them and interact appropriately with them. So, the more readers voting our content, more rewards we get for it.

Now, having clarified this point, it is easy to see that the answer to the question about whether it is better to create long posts or short posts very relevant. However it is something quite subjective and relative.

First, let's clarify what can be considered a long post and a short post. In my view and understanding, a long post is anything that has between 1,500 words or more (preferably 2,000 or more); and every short post is one that has between 400 and 1500 words.

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Understanding this, we can see those who say that the longer (in terms of words), the posts are better. And this it is because in general terms, they maintain that it is due to in this type of publication the author addresses the topics in depth, answering countless questions through them, which means that this type of posts can certainly attract the positive attention of users.

And on the other hand, there are those who maintain that short posts are better, because they tend to go specifically to the key point without giving much thought or excessive explanations about the topic addressed.

The truth is somewhere in the middle

In my opinion, both ways of looking at the matter are somewhat right, but neither of them has the absolute truth about it. Because what makes people pay more or less attention to long or short posts; It does not lie in the length of the post itself, but in the author's ability to express clearly and precisely the theme of which he speaks in his content; and this is independent of the number of words or length of the posts per se.

Because a post can be excessively long (for example, it can
have a length between 3,000 and 4,000 words), and not say much; and not addressing the subject matter in sufficient depth. Reading this kind of post will be a waste of the time for reader, because it is irrelevant, bored and excessively heavy to read by potential readers; which will play against the level of attention that such content can attract.

On the other hand, a long post that talks in detail and through specific examples about the topic it deals with, can be very interesting for readers interested in said topic; which will make reading enjoyable, despite its long length.

The same happens in the case of a short post; that is, a post can have 500 words, and briefly explain about a topic, going to the central point of it. And this reading constitutes a kind of appetizer that will make readers feel curious and motivated to continue investigating the subject by other means after reading it. This type de post attract positive attention from the readers which is completely desirable.

But on the other hand, there are also authors who create too short posts, in which they barely deal with the topic, or where they do not address the central point about which they are supposed to write. These posts will be looked down upon by readers in most cases, and rightfully so.

Because there are issues that, due to their level of complexity, cannot be addressed in 500-word posts, since they would leave open too many cracks or questions that would make the content level mediocre.

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So it's all a matter of knowing how to write what we should write, in the number of words that we consider appropriate, and making our topics understandable by our reading public. This is the secret regarding the quantity of words we use on our content; I mean, it's not that if I'm going to talk about cookies (for example), I'm going to use 7,000 words to explain what 1,000 or 1,200 words could well explain... In the same way, it's not that if I go To talk about complex economic problems, I am going to make a post of 400 or 500 words, because that will be insufficient to create a moderately relevant article for my readers.


The focus here should be more on the quality of our writing than on the number of words we use on our posts. In other words, we must write high quality posts, regardless of the number of words they will have in the end, because what interests us is that our content is useful, attractive and of interest to our readers.

What do you think about the topic discussed? Please comment.

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