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RE: Is Hive power losing it's importance?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Delegating you HP to someone works well as a trade if you need access to liquid currency and know a community member looking to power up.

Good read, insightful but I disagree with the HP loosing value because individuals like to have influence on social media and that will never change,.

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HP loosing value

look like "loosing value" is somewhat not the right word that I picked. Maybe putting in way like "financial returns" of HP does not sound too great when compared to other opportunities in Hive only.

But leaving aside the analysis on pure financial part, HP has many "intangible " benefits and motivational value that cannot be overlooked. I already mentioned that I am "supporter and sponsor of the Hive power up day movement."

great to hear, me and @darkflame actually had a irl debate about this tonight which is nice and rare for hive.