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RE: A sneak peek on Hive businesses: Leo, CTP, List and Hustler

in LeoFinance4 years ago being offered for sale was a way for me to sell it to someone that actually has the time to market it - that's all it needs. Everything is built, operational, and has already had quite a few sales - but personally, I don't have time to manage that, the community, my full-time client that I'm on retainer with, PLUS building an agency that provides REAL opportunities for people - opportunities that might change their lives (they could easily generate exponentially more than they would in their home countries).

I released for free for the community - all costs out of my own pocket - we have in the pipeline. I've done a lot for the HH community, and I'm trying to do a lot and contribute more to the entire blockchain as a whole.

People are quick to jump on the ship, but when asked to help or even lift a finger, they suddenly become disengaged, get upset about token values, and complain - instead of working to add more value to the community.