Crypto - The squid game of the internet.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Life imitates fantasy.


I'm sure that a lot of people have watched the squid game by now. I don't usually watched dubbed content but in some cases I make an exception and this was one of them. It was trending on Netflix and caught my attention.

Just watching the trailer showed something new, exciting and a lesson in psychology. A lot like the early adoption of crypto.

The squid game places 456 desperate people into a death arena where they have to compete in childhood games to win a lifechanging amount of money.

It's a physical, emotional and psychological thriller that showcases the mob mentality that comes with desperation. The innovation needed to succeed and the force of will that can carry some individuals over the line.

It's not the number of ones followers that determines success but the strength of their convictions.
[Professor RJ Lupin, O.M]

I'm currently watching the tug-of-war episode where the main group that we follow are up against a stronger team in a battle to the death.

At a huge disadvantage, the main team that we follow manage to win the tug of war by outsmarting and outworking the bigger, stronger team.

Being the underdog.

They came up with a plan and executed it successfully.

  • Had a plan.
  • Worked together.
  • Positioned themselves according to their strengths.
  • Had a good technique.
  • Put a motivated person at the head.
  • Put strength to hold the back.
  • Communicated as they worked.
  • Knew what they wanted to achieve.

A lot of this can be translated into real life strategy and is good advice in any walk of life. If i was putting together a team to build a successful project then i could apply all of this to it.

Even hive is a good fit to this scenario.

Hive is the underdog

Now while we can't go out and kill off all the competition like in the squid games. We can be better and smarter than them.

We know how ruthless this area is and all of the bad actors that reside within it. Not knowing who to trust, not knowing what game is coming next. There is a nice synergy between the tv series and what we see every day.

That's not even to mention the constant bloodbaths that happen in both.

While there are bigger and stronger projects out there we are still fighting away and surviving for another day. That determination and vision is what will get us to the end.

There is no mercy for failure out there and most projects from when we started have already gone by the wayside. Lots of the ones we have now won't be here in another four.

Yet forming good partnerships, working towards a common goal and having a plan will get us a long way in the game.

Not only that, but the longer that we survive and outlast other projects. The more attention that we get and people start to change their opinion. Suddenly out project is looking a lot healthier and a lot stronger than the ones it outlast. They can see the strengths that we bring that were not necessarily on show from the beginning but had developed over time.

That is the stage we are at now as the community has dug in even deeper. Built a lot of new and exciting developments and have clear vision of where we are all going.

How does it all end?

I am only half way through the squid game so do not know how it ends and wouldn't say if i did.

A lot like crypto, there is a lot left that we do not yet know but that is part of the fun. We are still here battling and trying to survive each day against the odds and however we can.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am working my way through Squid Game. But I am just so annoyed by the main charater all the time xD

He gets better as it goes along. It's one of the females that drives me mad. The outcast ones that tries to get in with everybody who she can.
Looks for cover on all angles.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I mean. I am half way through Episode 4 and had to stop because of the main charater x)

Ye, she is a bit annoying aswell xD

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I haven't watched this show but everyones talking about it wondering if I'm missing out.

It's like an adult hunger games. If you like that concept then it's for you. Just has lots of extra blood and guts to make it even better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I haven't watched it...but I watched a youtube video that kind of spoiled the plot for me without realizing. It made me lose the motivation to watch it but I did watch another video afterwards to get the main story. After that I watched my final video on the movie about how someone can win every single game in the squid game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm currently watching the tug-of-war episode where the main group that we follow are up against a stronger team in a battle to the death.

I just saw this episode and it made so much meaning to me. First, the fact that you can learn from anybody and the fact that you can win even when the chances are minimal.

I like the way you related squid game to crypto

In addition, I will say that you also need flexible people in the team and people who are willing to risk it even at the expense of their life.

And I think this is what can drive adoption of crypto in my opinion.

Really cool post

A lot of this can be translated into real life strategy and is good advice in any walk of life.

I was speechless watching this, because I couldn’t get the feeling off my mind. What if this game was real?

The thought of your life depending on winning a game and you have to play because you have no choice is really chaotic. This is the influence of money.

We've been watching this in Thailand and loving it! If you fancy another dubbed or subtitled series on Netflix, have a look at Bangkok Breaking. Hope you're well fella :-)