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RE: The Cost of NOT Understanding "Cost Of Living" - Lessons Parents Need to Teach Their Children

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Totalmente de acuerdo el dinero debe ser discutido en casa con los hijos, establecer una educación financiera que de verdadera independencia y claridad de los gastos al crecer.. confieso me he tropezado cOm El costo del dia a dia, lo que se lo aprendi por ensayo y error y sigo en ese proceso


Translation of the above comment:

Totally agree, the money should be discussed at home with the children, establish a financial education that gives true independence and clarity of expenses when growing up ... I confess I have stumbled on the cost of the day to day, what I learned by trial and error and I continue in that process

Thanks for your comment. Children who learn strong financial principles from their parents and are assisted in applying those principles are better off.

We all have stumbled in regards to financial matters. The key is learning from our mistakes and trying again.