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RE: - or how to get fast BCH earnings

in LeoFinance3 years ago

i hold it because i want to believe that one day it may reach its ath again which was 4k.

If i got close to 100$ worth of bch with it being 500$ if the price reaches up its max which is 8 times that i will have 800! Also i don't see Hive reaching more than 1$ this year. I hope i am wrong though.

At the end of the day it's like a gamble. If i had invested 2 months ago let's say my 50$ of bch in Hive, with hive being 10 cents i would have 500 Hive. Then hive reached 40 cents, so i would have 150$ of pure profit :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're right I think I'll continue to hold it !

That reminds my my mistake when I traded $180 of ETH for Hive (around 0.5 ETH). ETH was $350 and Hive $0.30. two weeks after Hive fell to 10cents and now ETH is 1700. Now I'm happy that hive came back up but i could have $850 of ETH..