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RE: Koinos

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Installed the miner, funded the funding address, waiting for the miner to start on Tuesday 7 pm local time :)


Can we mine on more than one machine? I guess that we can since the funding address is unique to the miner.


I just want to ask you the same question. Tomorrow I'll try to install it on the second machine. You're 8 hours ahead so if you figure it out let me know, please.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

OK. My guess of the answer would be that officially it's is possible with different funding addresses.

I wonder what would happen if I copied some configuration files from a client with already established keys to a machine without it. Will the second client swallow it? :)

Too bad they went with Ethereum for storing the mined coins. Those transaction fees are ridiculous.

We are in ran now. 24 hours of it.

Lepo nedeljo :)