KOMODO Price Report : August 03, 2020

in LeoFinance4 years ago


August 03, 2020 - Komodo (KMD) current price is about $0.643830 and the rank is 96 on Coinmarketcap.com, the price in BTC is about 0.00005751 BTC.

This post is a report regards Komodo price and Komodo rank in the cryptocurrency market as show on Coinmarketcap.com at date August 03, 2020.

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The current rank of Komodo is 96 and the current price in US dallar is $0.643830, if we compare to previous 30 days as see from data below, the current price seems in down trend but still in swing mode, if you want to buy, try to get around price $0.61 or set sell around $0.69 !

This is a historical data for Komodo in last 30 days.

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Why making this price report on Komodo cryptocurrency?

This is another way of my crypto earning and I post this to keep remind me about the current price of crypto coin that I invest and I want to share to others too. You can earn extra money by holding Komodo in your wallet, minimum of 10 KMD in one block, then it will start generate reward until day 30. So basically, to maximize profit, you can claim reward on day 30.

But ... for me, I will claim reward every 15 day, on date 1 and 15 of each month, and then after reward confirm, I will transfer balance and reward into 1 block, so it will earn more, more hold ... more earn.

I use Magnum walllet to manage multi-coin.

My current amount in holding : 16.30 KMD
Available reward claim : 0.0154 KMD


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Posted Using LeoFinance