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RE: Voice: The Ultimate In Surveillance?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

i thought that voice was just going to be bad. Now it looks like they have gone full evil.

A copy of the EOS chain... where people can be banned by people with larger stakes.

(and i thought EOS was supposed to be a major, super-duper, highway for computing power. So why the need for a fork? Why indeed? So that certain people will have complete control over who Voice® s their opinion?)

And know this, any company that does KYC shares the information with the govern-cement.

The govern-cement says, "hey, we see that you have this KYC database, we need it. And you can't tell anyone you gave it to us, because that may compromise an investigation."


Yes they have their pitch down to a tee.

KYC in social media...maybe Voice is setting a trend. They want to get all the social media sites to fall into line.

Posted via Steemleo