Presearch Airdrop, Loyalty Rewards, and Minting Plan

in STEMGeeks5 months ago


source of the article that got up on their FB less than 1h ago

I've been using Presearch from time to time for the last 3 years and I cannot say that I have many tokens as a result to searching stuff while using it. I remember when it was a must because I was doing some research about blockchain companies and besides Presearch and Brave, Google search had been shadowbanning a lot of crypto and web3 info back then.

Just two days ago, I stumbled upon some groundbreaking news from Presearch -- here they are ---, a decentralized search engine that has been making waves in the crypto space. I am sure many already know about it.
Well, it turns out they have announced an exciting set of developments, including an airdrop, loyalty rewards, and a minting plan. Intrigued by this revelation, I couldn't help but wonder why such significant news was only disclosed recently (they just made a short announcement about it on LinkedIn a few minutes back...), when it could have brought immense joy to the community if shared in December 2023. And I could have made some changes to my bags also :)

Let's See The Airdrop:

One of the most exciting aspects of Presearch's recent announcement is the introduction of an airdrop. For those unfamiliar with the term, an airdrop is a method through which a cryptocurrency project distributes tokens to the wallets of existing users. Presearch users are in for a treat, as they will soon find themselves recipients of these airdropped tokens. This unexpected windfall adds an element of surprise and delight to the Presearch community.

About Their Loyalty Rewards:

In addition to the airdrop, Presearch has also introduced a loyalty rewards program. Loyalty programs are not new in the crypto world, but Presearch's approach is unique. Users will be able to earn rewards based on their activity and loyalty within the platform. This move aims to incentivize users to stay engaged with the search engine, creating a symbiotic relationship between the platform and its user base.

And Their Minting Plan:

The minting plan is another noteworthy feature in Presearch's recent announcement. Minting refers to the creation of new tokens, and in this case, it opens up opportunities for users to become token creators. Presearch is empowering its community by allowing them to mint their own tokens, fostering a sense of ownership and creativity among its users.

I Hate The Late Disclosure:

While I'm excited about these developments, it does raise the question of why Presearch chose to reveal these plans only recently. The news of an airdrop, loyalty rewards, and a minting plan could have been a fantastic way to close out 2023 on a high note. The timing of the announcement might leave some users wondering if they missed out on potential benefits that could have been better communicated earlier.


In conclusion, Presearch's recent news of an airdrop, loyalty rewards, and a minting plan has injected fresh excitement into the crypto community. Buuuhhhh, the delayed disclosure of these plans may leave some users questioning why such positive news wasn't shared earlier. Ehhh-ny-way, the future looks promising for Presearch users, as they eagerly anticipate the upcoming developments and rewards promised by this innovative decentralized search engine.

Thanks for reading!

With respect,

PS: Should we get bullish on $PRE if their new direct Takeover Ad partners offering: Walmart🤯?

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