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RE: Spencer - a 5 minute Free Write - prompt "Missed Appointment"

in Freewriterslast year

Hey, what's the app y'all use to measure the 5 mins?...
Would love to join this...


Here you go:
The Most Dangerous Writing App.
You set the time - 5 min - and start typing. Don’t stop!!! It will destroy what you wrote if you stop for more than 3 seconds - and backspace does not count as writing on the app. If you are prone to stop and think - this app forces you to keep going. You can make corrections after the 5 minutes are over.
Egg timer
is a free tool you can use on your desktop to set a time. This is useful for our freewrites or if you want to work in blocks of time and then take a break. Here is the link

You can get the daily prompt by following @daily.prompt

I see ....
Thanks ✨

What Deirdy said! I always just Google timer and use whatever timer pops up.. It's good fun, give it a go.