If You Would Come Back Home With Me

in Freewriterslast month

Gaddo was walking on the beach and following the line of ants who were busy building a nest in the sand.
"Looking at you, active creatures, reminds me of my past. When I was a member of the official community of wizards, and every morning I would eagerly wake up and start hard work and continue until night.

I have decided to be active and energetic now too. But instead of working to fulfill the goals of high-ranking bosses, I work to fulfill my dreams."

He smiled and took a piece of wood and started writing something on the beach sand.
"This is my message to my future self: don't forget why you changed the course of your life."

And then he ran towards the sea and stepped into the water and looked at the horizon of the sea while enjoying the waves hitting his feet.
"I must one day board a ship and go to the land beyond."

At this moment, a voice behind him said:
"It's fun to spend time here, isn't it?"

Gaddo turned to see one of the officers of the official wizarding community.
"Fabrizio, what are you doing here?"

"You know the answer. I have come to bring you back."

"There's no way I'm going back. From now on I'll live for myself."

"I wanted to say that I respect your opinion and then leave here and leave you alone. But I can't. Our society needs you."

"From now on I want to think about my needs, about my happiness."

"Happiness is a relative thing, not absolute, and you have to admit that your life in the society was not full of darkness and misery, and there were happy moments in it too."

"Yes, but I prefer freedom to anything else."

Fabrizio took out his wand.
"I hoped I could convince you by talking, but I should have known that was not possible."

Gaddo also took out his wand.
"You know very well that the fight ahead will be to the death. Would you rather me die than not be a member of the society?"

"He who breaks the law deserves to be punished."

Gaddo shouted:
"Damn your dirty rules."

And he sent a spell with his wand towards Fabrizio and so the fight between the two began.

It wasn't long before a flood of magic swept the beach, and Gaddo and Fabrizio sent skillfully deadly spells at each other.

The sun slowly went behind the clouds and the red and orange colors of the sunset covered the sky and reflected on the surface of the sea. The waves also became intense and beat themselves against the shore with a spiteful attitude.

And it was at this moment that a spell hit Fabrizio's chest and split it open. Blood splattered into the air and he fell to the ground, and Gaddo ran to him and sat on top of him.

Blood flowed from Fabrizio's mouth and he said while breathing hard.
"I wish... you would... come back home... with me... then... I would have... told you... that I... love you... and... I can't... bear to... be away... from you."

Tears gathered in Gaddo's eyes.
"Your love means captivity."

He wanted to tell him he hated him from the bottom of his heart, and in the past, the closer Fabrizio got to him, the more disgusted he got, but Fabrizio's pained face stopped those words from leaving his mouth.

He got up and turned around and started walking towards an unknown destination along the beach. He did not want to be with Fabrizio in the last moments of his life, because he had nothing to offer him to make his exit from this world easier.

Tears flowed down his cheeks and the moments he had spent with Fabrizio got present in his mind. When together they were building, fighting, eating, warming themselves by the fire, swimming in the pool or looking at the night sky full of stars.

He turned and ran over to where Fabrizio's half-alive body laid and sat next to him and began to perform a healing spell.

Fabrizio opened his closed eyes and smiled.
"I said... our society... needs you... but... I meant... I... need you."

Gaddo finished performing the spell and then leaned down and placed his lips on Fabrizio's.



It's a love story.

Yeah. 😍
Thank you very much for reading my story and commenting, my friend.

You're welcome.