The Promise - Freewrite: 8/4/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Eng/Esp]

in Freewriters8 months ago



The wet, dark lines in the road distorted by the black ice flowed like a skating rink of ecstasy. Golf ball sized hail slammed into the windshield, then bounced between the blades. Twirling the Dresner's car effortlessly toward oblivion, Gregory released the steering wheel to grasp and shield his wife. Were it not for the navigation system's alert service, they would have remained undetected in the embankment.

As Gregory, Jr. leaned into his mother, surprisingly few tears dripped onto his cheeks. Remembering the promises she struggled to impart was his only concern.

The news of the accident plummeted Nana Azelia into despair. Little Gregg, her seventeen-year-old grandson, would be her companion in his parent's home. But she lasted only six months after hearing the news her son and daughter-in-law would not be coming home from the hospital.

Losing grandmother; the match in the powder barrel for Gregg. Or so he thought. Responsibilities for maintaining his parents' home and finances flooded his senses.

Instead of concentrating on his senior year and planning for his college future, his weekly visits to the grave sites of the three family members who made up his world wouldn't allow for any foreseeable happiness.

"You idiot," Gregg yelled, then mentally berated himself as he sat in front of their headstones. The estate plan. They begged me to sit down with them. They did everything they could. But I wasn't interested. Too busy with my high school life to receive what they were freely offering. Did they know how soon I would need the information? Now, I was forced to open the binder and muddle through without their input. I never thought. I never thought.

"Please forgive me." Gregg left with a determination of an adult. Placing aside his grief, he called his parents' attorney for assistance.

Gregg railed at the suggestion he sell the home, purchase a small condominium for his needs, then sell off all other assets.

He could hire a management company to rent the home while he was away at college for four years.

That being settled, the attorney took care of other financial aspects of their estate. The size wasn't huge in monetary value, but enough for his out-of-state college expenses. He praised his parents for this worry relief.

Immediately after the accident, Nana Azelia cautiously approached Gregg on moving elsewhere. He knew his grandmother favored her daughter, Cyndi. Grandmother's home would have been with her in a heartbeat, if room was available. Even though second choice, she enjoyed her stay with him and his parents.

Gregg couldn't quite plug the pieces together, unless her only daughter, could make room for them in a their already full, four bedroom home with six children.

But Aunt Cyndi was waiting with solace and an invitation to come live with her. She shuttered at the idea of her nephew living alone with the memories of his parents and grandmother lingering.

The least she could do.

And the emptiness of the home weighed on him as he walked often from each room, then closing the door gently after peering briefly inside. He could not remove any item he discovered.

Gregg stared at the message for the longest, watching the red flashing light on the caller ID screen.

His heart desired to go, but an inkling over a conversation he once overheard between his mother and grandmother caused him to flinch.


Decision reached. Shoving his misgivings to the rear, he would move in with his aunt by the end of summer, before the start of his senior year.

The last weekend before the small move, he gathered his belongings. He'd leave everything else. Sitting on the edge of his parents' bed, grief finally visited. Surprisingly, anger resurfaced. How unfair life could be to place him in that predicament. He shouldn't have to worry about anything except being seventeen.

A renewed respect for Aunt Cyndi and Uncle Jeffrey. He'd never moved before, so with his funds and their knowledge, relocation to their home felt seamless.

The welcome squad greeted him with enthusiasm. Embracing the different personalities wouldn't be difficult, unlike sorting out his parent's affairs.

His new bedroom. He couldn't imagine anyone living there and happy about it.

Eyes bulging with a slight frown, he turned away, holding back his chagrin. He silently acknowledged that he didn't require much living area. However, shock covered his face upon first glance. Small. Diagonal shaped. No overhead lighting. Though flat and low to the floor with two pillows, at least it was full sized. Overlooking the bland headboard, he moved on to the tiny closet. Two small, wooden nightstands the height of the bed nestled close. The semi-loft. The only available space.

Conjuring up positive vibes, Gregg smiled. Silently, he thanked his parents.

The remaining living area of the home was similarly cramped. His cousins didn't seem to notice. Perhaps they did, but complaints weren't allowed. Funny, he thought, how one grows accustomed to their situations over time. At that moment, his chest swelled as thoughts of his parents surfaced. Senior year couldn't come soon enough.

Not a soundless space in the house. The constant commotion didn't seem to bother them. An event happened every hour in every corner of the house. The younger ones would grab his legs, begging to be pulled around the house. Cute, but tiresome.

Realizing quiet was a luxury, he retreated to his bedroom. There was definitely an advantage to being an only child, he thought.

And sharing was second nature to his cousins. Through all of it, he could feel the camaraderie. The love was evident. A twinge caught Gregg off guard as he realized he'd never had to share with anyone.

He couldn't concentrate on his studies. He had to score high on his college entrance exam if he was to pursue an engineering degree. He elected to spend more time at the local library.

Senior year flew by. Visiting his parents and grandmother again, he thanked them for the type of life they afforded him as he'd made the decision to attend an out-of-state college.

In a few weeks, Greg would be an adult. On his own and free to make his own choices, he had fulfilled his promise to his mother. The lawyer called with an update on listing the home with an agent.

"Excellent news for your future, Gregg. We would have loved to purchase it if the price was within our budget." Uncle Jeffrey's stoic expression matched Aunt Cyndi's misty eyes.

Startled, Gregg frowned. He understood the selling price was low. For all their boisterous personalities, they were a private couple.

"I'm an adult. Please confide in me your financial situation." Gregg was unprepared for the dire revelations. A valuable lesson in adulthood slapped him as he realized not all was as it seemed on the surface of any household.

A week before college, the household fell into disarray and dismay. Uncle Jeffrey suffered a heart attack.


"This shouldn't have happened to such a young male," Aunt Cyndi, muttered, shaking her head. He was in perfect health." Stunned, she realized a myriad of problems now faced her family.

Her husband no longer a full-time provider for an unspecified time. Herself a full-time worker inside the home, would be forced to locate outside work. Home schooling would cease. Already struggling to afford the mortgage, they would, in all likelihood, lose their home.

Gregg spent the week in his room contemplating the new family dilemma. Not disclosing his decision, the next day, he placed an urgent call to his attorney, then headed toward the cemetery.

Although a cool crisp day, warm rays settled in his chest. He glanced up at the clouds tiptoeing through the sky heading in the direction of his college choice.

Quietude settled around his feet as the first autumn leaves blew past. Looking directly at their headstones, he disclosed his decision and plans to his parents and grandmother, then asked for their blessing.

His parents had asked him to sell their home and use the funds for his personal needs. He had promised.

But Aunt Cyndi needed it more. He didn't fault his parents for not disclosing his aunt's difficulties. As a teen, they probably didn't want to burden him with the knowledge.

Gregg's decision, he reasoned was, in a way, preserving their family legacy through his Aunt and his cousins. The family would possess a mortgage-free home with more room to live comfortably.

And, a future for him in college out of state.

A fresh start for them all.


La promesa

Las líneas húmedas y oscuras de la carretera distorsionadas por el hielo negro fluían como una pista de patinaje de éxtasis. Granizo del tamaño de una pelota de golf golpeó el parabrisas y luego rebotó entre las aspas. Haciendo girar el coche de los Dresner sin esfuerzo hacia el olvido, Gregory soltó el volante para agarrar y proteger a su mujer. De no ser por el servicio de alerta del sistema de navegación, habrían pasado desapercibidos en el terraplén.

Cuando Gregory, hijo, se inclinó hacia su madre, sorprendentemente unas pocas lágrimas gotearon sobre sus mejillas. Recordar las promesas que ella se esforzaba por transmitirle era su única preocupación.

La noticia del accidente sumió a Nana Azelia en la desesperación. El pequeño Gregg, su nieto de diecisiete años, sería su compañero en casa de sus padres. Pero sólo duró seis meses tras conocer la noticia de que su hijo y su nuera no volverían a casa del hospital.

Perder a la abuela; la cerilla en el barril de pólvora para Gregg. O eso creía él. Las responsabilidades de mantener la casa y las finanzas de sus padres inundaron sus sentidos.

En lugar de concentrarse en su último año y planificar su futuro universitario, sus visitas semanales a las tumbas de los tres miembros de la familia que formaban su mundo no le permitirían ninguna felicidad previsible.

"Idiota", gritó Gregg, luego se reprendió mentalmente mientras se sentaba frente a sus lápidas. El plan de sucesión. Me rogaron que me sentara con ellos. Hicieron todo lo que pudieron. Pero no me interesaba. Demasiado ocupado con mi vida de instituto para recibir lo que me ofrecían gratuitamente. ¿Sabían lo pronto que iba a necesitar la información? Ahora me veía obligada a abrir la carpeta y apañármelas sin su ayuda. Nunca pensé. Nunca pensé.

"Por favor, perdóname". Gregg se fue con la determinación de un adulto. Dejando a un lado su dolor, pidió ayuda al abogado de sus padres.

Gregg se enfureció ante la sugerencia de que vendiera la casa, comprara un pequeño condominio para sus necesidades y luego vendiera todos los demás bienes.

Podía contratar a una empresa de gestión para alquilar la casa mientras él estaba fuera en la universidad durante cuatro años.

Una vez hecho esto, el abogado se ocupó de los demás aspectos financieros de su patrimonio. La cantidad no era enorme en valor monetario, pero suficiente para sus gastos universitarios fuera del estado. Alabó a sus padres por este alivio.

Inmediatamente despues del accidente, Nana Azelia se acerco cautelosamente a Gregg para mudarse a otro lugar. Él sabía que su abuela favorecía a su hija, Cyndi. La casa de la abuela hubiera estado con ella en un santiamén, si hubiera espacio disponible. A pesar de ser la segunda opción, disfrutó de su estancia con él y sus padres.

Gregg no terminaba de encajar las piezas, a menos que su única hija, pudiera hacerles un hueco en su ya llena casa de cuatro habitaciones con seis hijos.

Pero la tía Cyndi estaba esperando con consuelo y una invitación para venir a vivir con ella. Se estremeció ante la idea de que su sobrino viviera solo con los recuerdos de sus padres y su abuela.

Era lo menos que podía hacer.

Y el vacío de la casa pesaba sobre él mientras caminaba a menudo de cada habitación, cerrando la puerta suavemente después de asomarse brevemente al interior. No podía sacar ningún objeto que descubriera.

Gregg se quedó mirando el mensaje durante más tiempo, observando la luz roja parpadeante en la pantalla del identificador de llamadas.

Su corazón deseaba ir, pero un recuerdo de una conversación que oyó una vez entre su madre y su abuela le hizo estremecerse.


Decisión tomada. Dejando a un lado sus recelos, se mudaría con su tía a finales de verano, antes de empezar el último curso.

El último fin de semana antes de la pequeña mudanza, recogió sus pertenencias. Dejaría todo lo demás. Sentado en el borde de la cama de sus padres, la pena acabó por visitarle. Sorprendentemente, resurgió la ira. Qué injusta podía ser la vida para ponerle en aquel aprieto. No debería tener que preocuparse por nada, excepto por tener diecisiete años.

Un renovado respeto por la tía Cyndi y el tío Jeffrey. Nunca se había mudado antes, así que con sus fondos y los conocimientos de ellos, el traslado a su casa fue coser y cantar.

El equipo de bienvenida le recibió con entusiasmo. Abrazar las diferentes personalidades no sería difícil, a diferencia de arreglar los asuntos de sus padres.

Su nuevo dormitorio. No podía imaginarse a nadie viviendo allí y feliz por ello.

Con los ojos desorbitados y el ceño ligeramente fruncido, se dio la vuelta, conteniendo su disgusto. Reconoció en silencio que no necesitaba mucha superficie habitable. Sin embargo, la sorpresa cubrió su rostro a primera vista. Pequeño. De forma diagonal. Sin iluminación superior. Aunque plano y bajo hasta el suelo con dos almohadas, al menos era de tamaño normal. Pasando por alto el soso cabecero, se dirigió al minúsculo armario. Dos pequeñas mesitas de noche de madera, de la altura de la cama, estaban cerca. El semialtillo. El único espacio disponible.

Invocando vibraciones positivas, Gregg sonrió. En silencio, dio las gracias a sus padres.

El resto de la vivienda era igual de estrecha. Sus primos no parecían darse cuenta. Tal vez sí, pero no se permitían quejas. Es curioso, pensó, cómo uno se acostumbra a su situación con el tiempo. En ese momento, se le hinchó el pecho al pensar en sus padres. El último año no podía llegar lo bastante pronto.

No había un solo espacio sin ruido en la casa. El constante alboroto no parecía molestarles. Cada hora ocurría un acontecimiento en cada rincón de la casa. Los más pequeños se agarraban a sus piernas, suplicando que los arrastraran por la casa. Lindo, pero fastidioso.

Al darse cuenta de que la tranquilidad era un lujo, se retiró a su dormitorio. Sin duda, ser hijo único tenía sus ventajas, pensó.

Y compartir era algo natural para sus primos. A pesar de todo, podía sentir la camaradería. El amor era evidente. Una punzada sorprendió a Gregg cuando se dio cuenta de que nunca había tenido que compartir con nadie.

No podía concentrarse en sus estudios. Tenía que sacar buenas notas en el examen de acceso a la universidad si quería estudiar ingeniería. Decidió pasar más tiempo en la biblioteca local.

El último curso se le pasó volando. Volvió a visitar a sus padres y a su abuela y les dio las gracias por el tipo de vida que le habían proporcionado cuando tomó la decisión de ir a una universidad fuera del estado.

En unas semanas, Greg sería adulto. Libre para tomar sus propias decisiones, había cumplido la promesa que le hizo a su madre. El abogado llamó con una actualización en la lista de la casa con un agente.

"Excelentes noticias para tu futuro, Gregg. Nos hubiera encantado comprarlo si el precio estuviera dentro de nuestro presupuesto". La expresión estoica del tío Jeffrey hacía juego con los ojos empañados de la tía Cyndi.

Sorprendido, Gregg frunció el ceño. Comprendió que el precio de venta era bajo. A pesar de su personalidad bulliciosa, eran una pareja reservada.

"Soy un adulto. Por favor, confíame tu situación financiera". Gregg no estaba preparado para las terribles revelaciones. Una valiosa lección de adultez lo abofeteó al darse cuenta de que no todo era lo que parecía en la superficie de cualquier hogar.

Una semana antes de la universidad, el hogar cayó en el desorden y la consternación. El tío Jeffrey sufrió un ataque al corazón.


"Esto no debería haberle ocurrido a un varón tan joven", murmuró la tía Cyndi, sacudiendo la cabeza. Estaba en perfecto estado de salud". Atónita, se dio cuenta de que su familia se enfrentaba ahora a un sinfín de problemas.

Su marido ya no sería proveedor a tiempo completo durante un tiempo indeterminado. Ella misma, trabajadora a tiempo completo dentro del hogar, se vería obligada a buscar trabajo fuera. La educación en casa cesaría. Ya luchando para pagar la hipoteca, que, con toda probabilidad, perder su casa.

Gregg pasó la semana en su habitación contemplando el nuevo dilema familiar. Al día siguiente, sin revelar su decisión, hizo una llamada urgente a su abogado y se dirigió al cementerio.

A pesar de ser un día fresco, los rayos cálidos se posaron en su pecho. Miró a las nubes que se movían de puntillas por el cielo en dirección a la universidad que había elegido.

La quietud se apoderó de sus pies al paso de las primeras hojas otoñales. Mirando directamente a sus lápidas, comunicó su decisión y sus planes a sus padres y a su abuela, y luego les pidió su bendición.

Sus padres le habían pedido que vendiera su casa y utilizara los fondos para sus necesidades personales. Él lo había prometido.

Pero la tía Cyndi lo necesitaba más. No culpaba a sus padres por no revelar las dificultades de su tía. Siendo un adolescente, probablemente no querían cargarlo con el conocimiento.

La decisión de Gregg, razonó, era, en cierto modo, preservar su legado familiar a través de su tía y sus primos. La familia poseería una casa libre de hipotecas con más espacio para vivir cómodamente.

Y, un futuro para él en la universidad fuera del estado.

Un nuevo comienzo para todos.


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story looks interesting as an empty room provides numerous story possibilities to fill it with.

Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia se ve interesante como una habitación vacía ofrece numerosas posibilidades de historia para llenarlo con.

Describe what you see.
Small room, such as an attic or third floor extra room. A small, flat bed with two pillows. With a shadow on the wall behind the headboard, a window is perhaps on the opposite side of the room. No overhead lighting can be seen. Two small boxes probably used as nightstands sit on opposite sides of the bed. Clean floors and clean walls. Overall a tidy space.

Describe lo que ves.
Una habitación pequeña, como un ático o una habitación extra en un tercer piso. Una cama pequeña y plana con dos almohadas. Con una sombra en la pared detrás de la cabecera, una ventana es tal vez en el lado opuesto de la habitación. No se ve ninguna iluminación superior. Dos pequeñas cajas, probablemente utilizadas como mesillas de noche, están situadas en lados opuestos de la cama. Suelo y paredes limpios. En general, un espacio ordenado.

Describe what you feel.
Although small, the room feels airy. A guest room for short stays as I don't feel anyone can exist in this tiny space for long periods of time. That is, unless they had no other choice.

**Describe lo que sientes.
Aunque pequeña, la habitación es espaciosa. Una habitación de invitados para estancias cortas, ya que no siento que nadie pueda existir en este pequeño espacio durante largos períodos de tiempo. Es decir, a menos que no tuvieran otra opción.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for:

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para:

A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 8/4/23.

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para: Una imagen vale más que mil palabras - fecha.

Image used with permission of contest owner


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


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b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
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f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



In particular, I was struck by your ability to converge the plot around the theme of 'promises' - a simple word, but one that carries such a deep and varied meaning. Very interesting to read, great story, a bit tragic but life is like that sometimes. good job!

Yes, @jsph. Life is not all roses and sunshine. A bit of tragedy visits. It's how we handle it is the key. I'm pleased you found my story interesting and applied well to the picture prompt. Family is sometimes a complex situation one has to navigate with care. I appreciate your visit and support.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.


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Hello @indiaunited. Thanks so much for stopping by on behalf of @bhattg's manual curation. I'm pleased my freewrite story was of quality and interest and appreciate @bhattg's and the Community support.

Take care.

Gregg learns to share and perhaps appreciate family as well.
I have no idea how he will pay for college but I am sure he will manage and achieve, his parents', dream.

Thanks for your entry. Greetings @wakeupkitty

His parents had an estate that their attorney was handling, so presumably they had acquired assets other than their home. Gregg is determined. I'm sure he would not have chosen an out-of-state college had he not been able to afford it. Oops, don't forget about the cars. Probably had more than he would be able to drive also.

Thanks for your visit. Take care.

I think Gregg should do better
He needs to build good relationship with his family members
At some point, I felt there was no need to sell the house

Gregg spent his senior year with his Aunt, Uncle and cousins. So I can see they developed a relationship. He was just accustomed to living alone with his parents and visiting his cousins. He promised his parents he would sell the house and use it for whatever he wanted to for his future, whatever he chose to do. I'm sure the parents had cars also at his disposal. They had already provided for his college tuition in their estate.

He gave his parents' home to his Aunt. He sympathized with their situation and helped them out.

Thanks for your visit. Take care.


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Thanks @ecency for stopping by and applying my points. I appreciate it.

Building a strong and lasting relationship is what Greg should work on, with time he'll be able to manage assets well

He loves his Aunt and Uncle as well as his cousins. He would not have helped them in their time of need going against what his parents wanted him to do with the home. Gregg is focused on his college right now. When he return, they will be there in the home he left to them to enjoy, debt free. I can only imagine that they loved him even more for his generosity.

Thanks for your visit. I appreciate your support.

Take care.


@pearlie123! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (6/10)

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My pleasure, thanks

I'm pleased you like my freewrite story. Thank you very much for your support. I appreciate it. Take care.


@lovinggirl! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (5/10)

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If a person does not have a strong relationship with his family, then one day this relationship ends or breaks, so it is better that a person should maintain a good relationship with his family.

Does going off to college in another state indicate that a person doesn't have a strong relationship with his family? Gregg spent his senior year with his Aunt, Uncle, and cousins. Now he is an adult and ready to go out into the world.

He is accustomed to having a quiet life at home. The hustle and bustle of his Aunt's home was overwhelming. Remember, his parents wanted him to sell the home. But his love for his family caused him to leave the home, debt free, for them to use after his Uncle's heart attack.

Thanks so much for your visit. Take care.


The way a person spends his childhood with his family, there are many halves of a person and when he grows up, he has to go to travel around the world and this news is very painful that his uncle had a seizure.

Yes, things happen in life to our family members. It's the love for them that determines how we respond. Gregg loved his family. He was just used to being alone with his parents in the quietness of their own home. When his aunt and uncle needed his help, he didn't hesitate to come to their aid.

At the same time, he had to think of his future. He wanted to go off to college and experience life. He was able to do this. His Aunt understood.

Thanks so much for your visit.

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Hello @hivebuzz. Thanks so much for stopping by and bringing me my newest achievement. 19.5K replies. That's awesome. Starting off my 4th year right.

Take care.


@hivebuzz! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (2/10)

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Hello @justclickindiva. You're welcome! Congratulations on your achievement and good luck on your journey to 20K replies. Keep up the great work!

Stay safe and healthy. 😄

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