The Graffiti Project - Freewrite: 9/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words [Eng/Esp]

in Freewriters8 months ago (edited)

Image by @wakeupkitty for PIK1000 Challenge


Miguel Santos woke to a day filled with promise. Excited about the upcoming beautification project, he dressed quickly, then headed toward Lower Broadbury Street. Parking his vehicle on the opposite side of the walkway, he glanced up at the tallest of the apartments. Definitely an area where older individuals felt comfortable, he learned that younger families with school-aged children had recently flocked to the neighborhood, appreciating the quiet atmosphere.

Located on the opposite side of town from where he lived, Lower Broadbury Street was situated one block over from the city's historical section. The area contained an accumulation of architectural apartment complexes built a few decades before. The street's east end sported dull gray and brown stucco. A bare retention wall had been erected in front of the apartments' parking area.

Balconies attached to the units, some with large windows, afforded residents the opportunity for an enjoyable and relaxing space. No littering was evident in this lovely residential neighborhood. Parking spaces located in front of the residents' units were convenient, but probably raised the monthly rental, Miguel reasoned.

Tall trees placed in strategic locations near the apartments as well as in front provided the only landscaping.

Several parents with small children strolled by obstructing his view.

Immediately, a design for his bid formulated. He reached in the back seat and pulled out his sketchbook. The idea bloomed. A youthful look; vibrant and appealing to the younger generation.

As he mulled over the idea, his hands began to shake. There would be issues.

Three obstacles he faced. Opposition, time, and weather. Of these, opposition from those vying for the same project, and those seasoned residents frightened their neighborhood would become the latest to embrace vulgar graffiti art loomed largest.

But Miguel forged ahead with his idea for a mural depicting a youthful exuberance.

A week later, residents of Lower Broadbury Street gathered at the community center for a town hall meeting. On the agenda was the proposed beautification project. Residents were given the opportunity to voice their opinion.

For two hours, Miguel sat, listening to all opinions. The overwhelming majority favored his work.

Several other complaints he found disturbing. "A friend informed me that Miguel Santos' graffiti is too ethnic specific," one gentlemen shouted. He joined others who voiced similar concerns.

When all discussion was concluded, he rose. A polite man, he started. "I paint what my heart instructs," Miguel answered quietly.

With shoulders drooping, he lowered his head and headed toward the side exit.


A week later, Miguel's phone rang.

"Congratulations, Miguel. Although some dissension, you were ultimately awarded the beautification contract for Lower Broadbury Street." The city manager waited as the other end of the line went silent.

Thrilled for the sorely-needed work and additional recognition for his resume, he took a moment to answer.

"I'm grateful for the chance. You won't be disappointed. I feel as though the neighborhood has undergone an unique transformation. A new street art mural to brighten up the area for youth, seniors, and others who visit will complement the nearby historical attractions."

"I agree," the city manager responded.

Miguel sat for a moment. Though pensive, he called his son, Reuben. A budding local street artist himself, he knew how difficult the process for securing a city contract.

Reuben suggested not only a mural, but one with a theme, ending their conversation with, "congratulations dad. Now you can purchase that new car you've been meaning to replace for ages."

Almost the end of summer, Miguel wanted to begin before the storm season. He gathered his supplies and headed out to Lower Broadbury Street.

He investigated the scene again. Clear skies and ominous dark clouds suddenly gathered, threatening his work as if confirming a few of the residents' displeasure. The low retention wall in the front of one of the apartment complexes he considered tackling first.

Returning the next week, Miguel vigorously applied his knowledge and expertise. But behind some of the windows and on a few balconies, residents watched carefully as Miguel worked on the retention wall, some skeptical of the outcome.

He rounded the left corner of the wall. Without looking down, he stepped into a displaced mound of soil. Evidence of a utility crew's handiwork, his attempt to avoid the hole was too late. His foot slipped into the hole sideways. At the last moment, he reached out to grab the fence, but fell, landing in an awkward position.

Immediately, he called Reuben who rushed him the doctor. The diagnosis: a broken ankle.

Devastated, during the trip home, Miguel fell silent, pressing his lips together while staring out the window. Reuben cautiously approached the subject of assisting him with his project, which he had already planned to speak with him.

"Dad, don't be discouraged. I'll assist you." Reuben waited, but no response. He dropped the conversation noticing Miguel's stiff back and clenched jaws.

As an only child, he would move in for several weeks to assist in his recovery. On that issue, he was sure his dad wouldn't object. The city project was another matter.

Ensuring his dad's comfort, Reuben prepared dinner. While eating, he left the room, returning with a satchel. He placed the case next to his dad's plate.

Although he ached for the opportunity to work with him on such an important project as a mural for a city block, he didn't want to pressure his father.

He left to arrange his schedule and pack a suitcase.

On his return, Miguel beckoned for his son to come attend to him. As Reuben leaned over, Miguel hugged him tightly, then choked back tears.

"Thank you for all you have done and will do for me. I appreciate it. I had no idea you were that good of a street artist. I had not kept up with your latest works. You're almost as good as me." Miguel boxed his son's ears, then hugged him tightly again.

"That's the best compliment I've ever had. I love you dad. You'll see. The project will turn out beautiful. Old school with a youthful flavor. Now let's see how we can blend them. I was thinking a cute lion and bird for the children. And the color blend, how about a soft rose so as not to offend the eyes of the seniors. Did you see my portfolio?"

They sat and discussed the timeline. Reuben then rose and retrieved the special chair he secured for Miguel to sit in while working on the low retention wall.

Miguel couldn't wait to get started on the project. He sat listening to his son's youthful ideas while envisioning future projects they would hopefully collaborate on.

He smiled broadly as a bird's flowing wings and a lioness' cute cheeks came into view.


Welcome back to my freewrite prompt story for this week. The photo that is the subject of the story spoke to me about a place that has undergone a transformation.

Describe what you see.
What I see is dark clouds moving across the sky. An apartment complex with several units appear to be aged. Balconies are attached to the units. Some units have large windows. The neighborhood looks neat. No litter is evident. Looks like a nice residential neighborhood. Residents' cars are parked in the driveway near their apartments. Trees placed in strategic locations near each apartment complex as well as in front. A beautiful mural is painted on retention wall as well on one of the apartment units.

Describe what you feel.
I feel as though the neighborhood has undergone a recent transformation. A new street art mural to brighten up the area so that residents and visitors alike can be proud of their location. But behind all windows, tensions may have been rising in disagreement with the city authorities on how best to uplift their neighborhood. If the majority rules, then some residents may not be satisfied, not matter the beautification outcome.

Write a story or poem about what you think is going on. I leave with you my story for: A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 9/1/23.

Image used with permission of contest owner


For your convenience, I have included below a Spanish translation from DeepL for "The Graffiti Project" - Freewrite: 9/1/23 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words.

! [The Graffiti Project Spanish Translation]

Para su comodidad, he incluido a continuación una traducción al español de DeepL para "The Graffiti Project" - Freewrite: 9/1/23 | Prompt: Una imagen vale más que mil palabras.



Bienvenidos de nuevo a mi historia de libre escritura de esta semana. La foto que es el tema de la historia me habló de un lugar que ha sufrido una transformación.

Describa lo que ve
Lo que veo son nubes oscuras moviéndose por el cielo. Un complejo de apartamentos con varias unidades parece estar envejecido. Las viviendas tienen balcones. Algunas tienen grandes ventanales. El barrio parece limpio. No hay basura. Parece un barrio residencial agradable. Los coches de los residentes están aparcados en la entrada cerca de sus apartamentos. Árboles colocados en lugares estratégicos en cerca de un complejo de apartamentos, así como en el frente. Un hermoso mural está pintado en la pared de retención, así como en una de las unidades de apartamentos.

Describe lo que sientes
Tengo la sensación de que el barrio ha experimentado una reciente transformación. Un nuevo mural de arte callejero para alegrar la zona y que tanto residentes como visitantes se sientan orgullosos de su ubicación. Pero detrás de todas las ventanas, puede que hayan surgido tensiones en desacuerdo con las autoridades municipales sobre la mejor manera de mejorar su barrio. Si la mayoría manda, puede que algunos residentes no queden satisfechos, sea cual sea el resultado del embellecimiento.

Escribe una historia o un poema sobre lo que crees que está pasando. Os dejo mi historia para:
A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 9/1/23.


Proyecto Graffiti

Miguel Santos se despertó con un día lleno de promesas. Entusiasmado por el próximo proyecto de embellecimiento, se vistió rápidamente y se dirigió a Lower Broadbury Street. Aparcó su vehículo en el lado opuesto del paseo y echó un vistazo a los apartamentos más altos. Definitivamente una zona donde las personas mayores se sentían cómodas, se enteró de que familias más jóvenes con niños en edad escolar habían acudido recientemente en masa al barrio, apreciando el ambiente tranquilo.

Situada en el lado opuesto de la ciudad donde vivía, Lower Broadbury Street se encontraba a una manzana del casco histórico. La zona contenía una acumulación de complejos arquitectónicos de apartamentos construidos unas décadas antes. El extremo este de la calle lucía un estuco gris apagado y marrón. Delante del aparcamiento de los apartamentos se había levantado un muro de contención desnudo.

Los balcones adosados a las viviendas, algunos con grandes ventanales, ofrecían a los residentes la oportunidad de disfrutar de un espacio agradable y relajante. En este encantador barrio residencial no se observó que se tirara basura. Las plazas de aparcamiento situadas frente a las viviendas eran cómodas, pero probablemente encarecían el alquiler mensual, según Miguel.

Los altos árboles situados en lugares estratégicos cerca de los apartamentos y delante de ellos eran el único elemento paisajístico.

Varios padres con niños pequeños se paseaban obstruyendo su visión.

Inmediatamente, se formuló un diseño para su oferta. Metió la mano en el asiento trasero y sacó su cuaderno de bocetos. La idea floreció. Un aspecto juvenil, vibrante y atractivo para las nuevas generaciones.

Mientras meditaba la idea, le empezaron a temblar las manos. Habría problemas.

Tres obstáculos. La oposición, el tiempo y el clima. Entre ellos, la oposición de los que competían por el mismo proyecto y la de los residentes más veteranos, temerosos de que su barrio se convirtiera en el último en adoptar el arte vulgar del graffiti.

Pero Miguel siguió adelante con su idea de un mural que representara la exuberancia juvenil.

Una semana después, los vecinos de Lower Broadbury Street se reunieron en el centro comunitario para celebrar una asamblea pública. En el orden del día figuraba el proyecto de embellecimiento propuesto. Los residentes tuvieron la oportunidad de expresar su opinión.

Durante dos horas, Miguel se sentó a escuchar todas las opiniones. La inmensa mayoría estaba a favor de su trabajo.

Otras quejas le parecieron inquietantes. "Un amigo me ha dicho que los graffitis de Miguel Santos son demasiado étnicos", gritó un señor. Se unió a otros que expresaron preocupaciones similares.

Una vez concluida la discusión, se levantó. Un hombre educado, empezó. "Pinto lo que me dicta el corazón", respondió Miguel en voz baja.

Con los hombros caídos, bajó la cabeza y se dirigió hacia la salida lateral.


Una semana después, sonó el teléfono de Miguel.

"Enhorabuena, Miguel. A pesar de algunas disensiones, al final te han adjudicado el contrato de embellecimiento de Lower Broadbury Street". El gerente de la ciudad esperó a que se hiciera el silencio al otro lado de la línea.

Emocionado por el trabajo tan necesario y el reconocimiento adicional para su currículum, se tomó un momento para contestar.

"Le agradezco la oportunidad. No le decepcionaré. Tengo la sensación de que el barrio ha experimentado una transformación única. Un nuevo mural de arte callejero para alegrar la zona a jóvenes, mayores y demás visitantes complementará las atracciones históricas cercanas."

"Estoy de acuerdo", respondió el administrador municipal.

Miguel se quedó sentado un momento. Aunque pensativo, llamó a su hijo Reuben. Como artista callejero en ciernes, sabía lo difícil que era conseguir un contrato municipal.

Rubén sugirió no sólo un mural, sino un mural temático, y terminó la conversación diciendo: "Enhorabuena, papá. Ahora podrás comprarte ese coche nuevo que llevas años queriendo cambiar".

Casi al final del verano, Miguel quería empezar antes de la temporada de tormentas. Recogió sus provisiones y se dirigió a Lower Broadbury Street.

Volvió a investigar la escena. Cielos despejados y ominosas nubes oscuras se juntaron de repente, amenazando su trabajo como confirmando el disgusto de algunos residentes. Se planteó atacar primero el muro de contención de la fachada de uno de los complejos de apartamentos.

Al volver la semana siguiente, Miguel aplicó enérgicamente sus conocimientos y experiencia. Pero detrás de algunas ventanas y en algunos balcones, los residentes observaban atentamente cómo Miguel trabajaba en el muro de retención, algunos escépticos sobre el resultado.

Dobló la esquina izquierda del muro. Sin mirar hacia abajo, pisó un montón de tierra desplazada. Su intento de evitar el agujero fue demasiado tarde. Su pie se deslizó lateralmente en el agujero. En el último momento, alargó la mano para agarrarse a la valla, pero se cayó y aterrizó en una posición incómoda.

Inmediatamente, llamó a Reuben, que le llevó rápidamente al médico. El diagnóstico: tobillo roto.

Devastado, durante el viaje de vuelta a casa, Miguel se quedó en silencio, apretando los labios mientras miraba por la ventana. Rubén abordó con cautela el tema de ayudarle en su proyecto, que ya tenía previsto hablar con él.

"Papá, no te desanimes. Te ayudaré". Rubén esperó, pero no obtuvo respuesta. Abandonó la conversación al notar la espalda rígida y las mandíbulas apretadas de Miguel.

Como hijo único, se mudaría durante varias semanas para ayudarle en su recuperación. En ese tema, estaba seguro de que su padre no se opondría. El proyecto de la ciudad era otra cuestión.

Para que su padre estuviera cómodo, Rubén preparó la cena. Mientras comía, salió de la habitación y regresó con una maleta. Colocó la maleta junto al plato de su padre.

Aunque ansiaba tener la oportunidad de trabajar con él en un proyecto tan importante como un mural para una manzana, no quería presionar a su padre.

Se marchó para organizar su agenda y hacer la maleta.

A su regreso, Miguel hizo señas a su hijo para que fuera a atenderle. Cuando Rubén se inclinó hacia él, Miguel le abrazó con fuerza y luego ahogó las lágrimas.

"Gracias por todo lo que has hecho y harás por mí. Te lo agradezco. No tenía ni idea de que fueras tan buen artista callejero. No me había puesto al día con tus últimas obras. Eres casi tan bueno como yo". Miguel encajonó las orejas de su hijo y volvió a abrazarle con fuerza.

"Es el mejor cumplido que me han hecho nunca. Te quiero, papá. Ya lo verás. El proyecto saldrá precioso. De la vieja escuela con sabor juvenil. Ahora vamos a ver cómo podemos mezclarlos. Estaba pensando en un lindo león y un pájaro para los niños. Y la mezcla de colores, qué tal un rosa suave para no ofender los ojos de los mayores. ¿Has visto mi carpeta?".

Se sentaron y discutieron el calendario. Entonces Rubén se levantó y cogió la silla especial que había conseguido para que Miguel se sentara mientras trabajaba en el muro de retención bajo.

Miguel estaba impaciente por empezar el proyecto. Se sentó a escuchar las ideas juveniles de su hijo mientras imaginaba futuros proyectos en los que, con suerte, colaborarían.

Sonrió ampliamente al ver las alas de un pájaro y las bonitas mejillas de una leona.


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



What a heartwarming story of love, art and passion! A good look at this image brings the mural painting to the fore and invites writers to say something about it. The painting was also the focus in my story.

I love the way you subtly introduce the mix of old and contemporary art into this story. Miguel is unable to finish his painting but with his son's assistance, the painting turns out magnificently! Sometimes, realising we need help and asking for it is important to achieving our goals.

Beautifully written as always! Take care and have an amazing day. 💕 !PIMP !LADY

You must be killin' it out here!
@kemmyb just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @justclickindiva.
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They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


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This is the most beautiful 3,000 words ever gotten out of a picture ...

What a lovely compliment for my story. The picture reminded me of numerous street art designs I see whenever I venture out. I must take some photos, but rarely stop while riding. I read once our city's view on the artists that parade their graffiti. In an attempt to curtail the often vulgar and gang related drawings, they entice artists to join in their beautification program. The traffic light boxes are the recipients now of varying themes. I remember seeing John Wayne's image.

Thanks so much for your visit. I'm pleased you enjoyed my father-son street artist short story and appreciate your support.

Take care.


@deeanndmathews! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (3/10)

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Super father and son are both artists and became closer through art. I hope, no I am sure the neighbourhood will too.
Those against it will get used to it. For sure it can be worse and most likely it was.

Thank you for joining pic1000.
Greetings @wakeupkitty

My story was one of bonding. Sometimes circumstances can inadvertently bring people together who may not be a closer as they should be or once were. The project brought father and son street artists closer after his accident. Each one's interpretation of the other's art was viewed in a different light. I love that Miguel got the chance to study and appreciate his son's art style.

No matter how good a person's work is, there will always be critics or those who for some unknown reason, or the dislike of one's personality, and want to overlook or dismiss the work. I have witnessed this and also been a victim. The good thing is that no matter what, the person flourishes.

Thanks for your visit @wakeupkitty. I appreciate it, the awesome Pik1000 photo, and the support.

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That's a lot of comments I think in my 4 years. But can't rest. 19K is waiting on the horizon. Mustn't disappoint. Thanks for stopping by with a new badge. I appreciate it.

You're welcome @justclickindiva! Your dedication and active participation is truly commendable. Keep going, you're doing great. W
e look forward to celebrating your 19000 comments milestone soon. Happy commenting!

I actually feel a peaceful and calm society. I
The society looks cool and the clouds beautifies it too
Such a good place to be

The scene does look old world style and peaceful. I wouldn't mind residing there myself as a vacation townhome. I can just picture the quietness in the morning and evenings me and my husband sit on the balcony and sip our coffee, then watch the activities below.

I appreciate your visit. Take care.


@rafzat! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ justclickindiva. (2/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 172 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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