The Father's Day Miracle | Mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 1883 | Prompt: Elthbeth's room

in Freewriterslast year


Fog spread across the surface as Rolando pressed his nose against the window. Removing his glasses, he wiped vigorously. For a few moments, the nurse held up Baby Girl Hobson. He smiled and waved, hoping she could sense his presence though tiny closed eyes. Seven more days until he could hold her.

"Bye, my precious. Your mother is waiting. I'll be back soon." Rolando blew a kiss.

Rounding the corner of the nursery wing, he allowed his head to drop deep into his shoulders. With one hand pressed against the door, he straightened, wiped his face with the other, then entered.

It was a good thing the room was dark. He darted into the restroom and splashed cold water against his despondent face.

The cold bed accepted his warm body as he snuggled close to his wife. He buried his face deep within the folds of her neck.

Veronica's loving, but shaky hand touched his hair. Her husband spent his Father's Day in the hospital, praying for his special gift.

Recovering slowly was her only concern besides learning news of their baby's progress.

Veronica listened emotionless as Rolando relayed the doctor's reports. Dwelling on and reacting hysterically on both the causes of the difficult birth did her no good. She refused to speak of it. Once they settled in at home, she would digest the information. All that mattered was that Elizabeth would be dismissed in a week.

Days until both their release dragged on as both mother and daughter mended.

Roland sensed his wife worried that her unexpected early entry into the hospital meant the nursery would not be finished in time.

What he did not not know was that she feared they both would not go home.

When time came for their departure, Rolando, with the help of his family, surprised Veronica with a completed nursery.

Elizabeth settled into her mauve and white sanctuary. Over the next six months, she grew rapidly, with no evidence of having been premature.

Each day, early rays of sunlight lit up her room. Soft melodies drifted in. Each night, a bright quarter moon peaked in. The mobile overhead kept Elizabeth entertained as she followed the stars rounding her small world.

He tiptoed to her crib, careful not to rustle the coverlet. Elthbeth stretched and yarned at the slightest movement as though sensing his presence. With lips pursed, she blew him a soft kiss before turning to her side.

Rolando and Veronica kept a watchful eye on their baby as he strummed on his guitar, while singing a lullabye.

But still the unthinkable happened. Elizabeth passed away. The diagnosis: Sudden Infant Death Syndrome or (SIDS).

The second blow.


Sitting in the alcove nightly, Rolands stared in numbed sadness at the mobile, his fists pressing hard into his chest. He reached for the guitar, then jerked back quickly. Lyrics would not make ease his pain. So he just sat as the mobile twirled with the stars hanging low. As tears strolled down his cheek, he couldn't even wish upon them.

Their ten year struggle with conception flooded back. Her room kept closed. Waiting. He felt he would one day be blessed with a daughter. Her name would be Elizabeth, as his mother desired.

The moment he announced he and Veronica had finally conceived, his mother confided in him the news of her own illness. She would not lay eyes upon her granddaughter.

The first blow.

Veronica watched her husband closely, unable to ease his pain. One loss was manageable. Two losses in one year proved unbearable. Strangely, their daughter's passing sank him into an even deeper void she could not venture into. Attempting to keep their marriage intact, she suggested counseling when his work habits began to slip.

Nothing worked. The alcove was his refuge as he sat and stared out the window. He refused to pick up the guitar or write music.

Another six months passed.

One night, shadows from under the door told Veronica that Rolando was again in solitude. But this time, she heard a soft strumming. She opened the door slowly. There stood Rolando with his back against the crib.

The song he wrote for Elizabeth floated up and into her crib.

He looked up, then slowly eased down onto the carpet. Veronica ran over to him. She snuggled close and rested her head on his shoulder, absorbing the echoes of the tune.

She leaned in and kissed his cheek. She knew he was ready.

As they had decided even before Elizabeth was conceived, they would now consider an alternate route to parenthood. Behind her, she held the brochures that had been tucked away for several years.

The next year, they visited his mother and their daughter.

On their return home, they pulled into the parking space and checked the appointment time of the agency.


El milagro del Día del Padre


La niebla se extendió por la superficie mientras Rolando apretaba la nariz contra la ventana. Quitándose las gafas, se limpió enérgicamente. Durante unos instantes, la enfermera sostuvo a la pequeña Hobson. Él sonrió y saludó con la mano, esperando que ella pudiera sentir su presencia a través de sus pequeños ojos cerrados. Faltaban siete días para que pudiera abrazarla.

"Adiós, preciosa. Tu madre te espera. Volveré pronto". Rolando le lanzó un beso.

Al doblar la esquina del ala de la guardería, dejó caer la cabeza sobre los hombros. Con una mano apoyada en la puerta, se enderezó, se secó la cara con la otra y entró.

Menos mal que la habitación estaba a oscuras. Se metió en el baño y se echó agua fría en la cara abatida.

La fría cama aceptó su cuerpo caliente mientras se acurrucaba junto a su mujer. Enterró la cara entre los pliegues de su cuello.

La mano cariñosa pero temblorosa de Verónica le tocó el pelo. Su marido pasó el Día del Padre en el hospital, rezando por su regalo especial.

Recuperarse lentamente era su única preocupación, además de conocer noticias sobre la evolución de su bebé.

Verónica escuchó sin emoción los informes médicos de Rolando. No le servía de nada pensar y reaccionar histéricamente sobre las causas del difícil parto. Se negó a hablar de ello. Cuando se instalaran en casa, asimilaría la información. Lo único que importaba era que Elizabeth sería dada de alta en una semana.

Los días hasta el alta de ambas se alargaron mientras madre e hija se recuperaban.

Roland sintió que a su mujer le preocupaba que su inesperado ingreso temprano en el hospital significara que la guardería no estaría terminada a tiempo.

Lo que él no sabía era que ella temía que ambas no volvieran a casa.

Cuando llegó el momento de su partida, Rolando, con la ayuda de su familia, sorprendió a Verónica con la habitación del bebé terminada.

Isabel se instaló en su santuario malva y blanco. Durante los seis meses siguientes, creció rápidamente, sin dejar rastro de haber sido prematura.

Cada día, los primeros rayos de sol iluminaban su habitación. Entraban suaves melodías. Cada noche, un cuarto de luna brillante se asomaba. El móvil que había sobre su cabeza entretenía a Elizabeth mientras seguía las estrellas que rodeaban su pequeño mundo.

Se acercó de puntillas a su cuna, con cuidado de no agitar la colcha. Elthbeth se estiró e hiló al menor movimiento, como si percibiera su presencia. Con los labios fruncidos, le dio un suave beso antes de volverse hacia su lado.

Rolando y Verónica vigilaban a su bebé mientras él rasgueaba la guitarra y cantaba una canción de cuna.

Rolando y Verónica vigilaban a su bebé mientras él rasgueaba la guitarra y cantaba una nana.

Pero aun así ocurrió lo impensable. Elizabeth falleció. El diagnóstico: Síndrome de muerte súbita del lactante o (SMSL).

El segundo golpe.


Sentado en la alcoba nocturna, Rolands miraba con entumecida tristeza el móvil, con los puños apretándole con fuerza el pecho. Alcanzó la guitarra, pero se echó rápidamente hacia atrás. Las letras no aliviarían su dolor. Así que se quedó sentado mientras el móvil giraba con las estrellas colgando. Mientras las lágrimas se deslizaban por su mejilla, no pudo ni siquiera desearlas.

Su lucha de diez años con la concepción inundó de nuevo. Su habitación permanecía cerrada. Esperando. Sentía que algún día sería bendecido con una hija. Se llamaría Elizabeth, como deseaba su madre.

En el momento en que anunció que él y Verónica habían concebido por fin, su madre le confió la noticia de su propia enfermedad. No volvería a ver a su nieta.

El primer golpe.

Verónica observaba atentamente a su marido, incapaz de aliviar su dolor. Una pérdida era manejable. Dos pérdidas en un año resultaban insoportables. Extrañamente, la muerte de su hija le hundió en un vacío aún más profundo en el que ella no podía aventurarse. Intentando mantener su matrimonio intacto, ella le sugirió terapia cuando sus hábitos de trabajo empezaron a decaer.

Nada funcionó. La alcoba era su refugio, sentado y mirando por la ventana. Se negaba a coger la guitarra o a escribir música.

Pasaron otros seis meses.

Una noche, las sombras que salían por debajo de la puerta indicaron a Verónica que Rolando estaba de nuevo en soledad. Pero esta vez oyó un suave rasgueo. Abrió la puerta despacio. Allí estaba Rolando, con la espalda apoyada en la cuna.

La canción que había escrito para Isabel flotó hasta la cuna.

Levantó la vista y se dejó caer lentamente sobre la alfombra. Verónica corrió hacia él. Se acurrucó cerca de él y apoyó la cabeza en su hombro, absorbiendo los ecos de la melodía.

Se inclinó hacia él y le besó la mejilla. Sabía que estaba preparado.

Como habían decidido incluso antes de concebir a Elizabeth, ahora considerarían una vía alternativa a la paternidad. Detrás de ella, sostenía los folletos que habían estado guardados durante varios años.

Al año siguiente, visitaron a su madre y a su hija.

De vuelta a casa, aparcaron y comprobaron la hora de la cita en la agencia.


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized:
Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé:

Day 1883: 5 Minute Freewrite: Sunday - Prompt: Elthbeth's room


Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



What a touching story! You had me on the edge of my seat as you gently built the suspense of whether Elizabeth would make it home with Veronica and Rolando. I admire the couple's unwavering love and dedication to their daughter. I never expected the loss of Elizabeth. The way you tie this part with the loss of Rolando's mother tug at my heartstrings!

Stories like this deserve a happy ending. I'm pleased Rolando found the strength to write songs again and their plan to seek alternative parenthood. Not everyone can recover from these losses. Beautifully written! Take care and have a relaxing Sunday. 🥰 !PIMP

Hello @kemmyb. I'm pleased you liked my story and the outcome. A family divided will, most likely, never recover from a devastation as the loss of a child. But to have two losses in a short period can surely plummet one into a deep despair.

There is never a one cure-for-all in finding strength within yourself to move forward in any difficult situation. And some never recover. I was pleased with the wife's understanding and patience throughout the ordeal. Surely, she was devastated herself; however, her husband was dealt two blows. It takes a strong foundation of love and support in a relationship to overcome obstacles.

There situation may not end in their desires or a family. But at least they were looking ahead now.

Thanks so much for your visit and lovely compliment. I appreciate it and your support.

Take care.


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You must be killin' it out here!
@kemmyb just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @justclickindiva.
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After reading this story I got very sad myself because as we all know that people who leave the world can never come back and the people who live here live only by their memories. People can't live all this life, but as we all know that a person gets this life only once, so a person must enjoy it.

What you say is true that ones who leave can never return. The people left behind to mourn them are the ones who have to deal with their grief, then try to move forward with their lives as best they can.

Thanks so much for your visit and thoughtful words. I appreciate it and your support.

Take care.


@djbravo! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @justclickindiva. (7/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power and Alive Power delegations and Ecency Points in our chat every day.

Hello @justclickindiva I loved your story it was so heartbreaking and emotional but I loved the characters Veronica and Rolando. Great job! Have a wonderful week! Barb 😊 !BBH !CTP

Hello @adcreatordesign. Thanks for your visit. I'm pleased you liked my story. I also loved the strength of my characters, especially the wife.

Thanks so much for your support. Take care and have a good rest of your week.

You are most welcome @justclickindiva I did love how strong the characters are in your story. You can still be scared, sad, in pain, and still be a strong person. You have a good week ahead! 😊 !BBH !CTP

Hello @adcreatordesign. You are correct that some people can be strong while going through adversity. Others seem to fall apart and can't cope. When a couple is involved, I believe that one should support the other if that person is willing to open up.

Thanks so much for your visit and engagement. Have a good rest of your week.


Yes this is so true @justclickindiva 😊 You're welcome and have a nice rest of the week. !BBH !CTP


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Hello @dhedge. Thank you so much for visiting and informing me of @ben.haase's kind manual curation of my freewrite post. I was pleased to hear he liked my content and thought it of quality.

I appreciate your and his support and that of the Community.

Take care and have a good rest of your week.

For a good read anytime. !ALIVE

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Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 162 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

@tipu curate 👍🏾

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!DHEDGE for this great story. Thank you for suspense filled story!