Imaginary hapiness ! A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words (eng /esp)

in Freewriters11 months ago

With a radiant sun I sit as I do every day on my favorite bench next to the pier. There, today a large ship parked takes me to imagine myself getting to know other countries, as an important tourist, I see myself shopping in the best stores and consuming the most exquisite dishes.

Now I must go to work, but no one can take this moment of imaginary happiness away from me.

© 2023, Felix Garcia P. All rights reserved

[Image taken by @wakeupkitty]


Felicidad imaginaria

Con un sol radiante me siento como cada día en mi banco favorito junto al muelle. Allí, hoy un gran barco aparcado me lleva a imaginarme conociendo otros países, como un importante turista, me veo comprando en las mejores tiendas y consumiendo los platos más exquisitos.

Ahora debo ir a trabajar, pero nadie puede arrebatarme este momento de felicidad imaginaria.


Dear friends

This is my entry A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words por @freewritehouse.

Estimados amigos
Esta es mi participación en el A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words por @freewritehouse.

@lanzjoseg, @sacra97, @mllg

Translated with (free version)

Invitation / Invitación

I invite you to know the mega trend of well-being and health and the possibility of incorporating an accelerated and sustained growth business, visit My Store in which you will meet products for the support of the immune system and well-being.
Te invito a conocer la Megatendencia de Bienestar y Salud y la posibilidad de incorporarte a un negocio de crecimiento acelerado y sostenido, visita MI TIENDA en la que conoceras productos para el respaldo del sistema inmunológico y bienestar.


Just awesome but I think you have to write more so all of the reader can explore your beautiful imagination regarding this picture.

Happy Writing❤️

Totalmente cierto, esa felicidad vuela con los pensamientos.
Me gustó

It's a great thing to explore our imaginations. If we don't have what we desire at the moment, we can build a world of fantasy where our minds can merry.

Thank you for this piece.

Such happiness daydreaming can bring. I felt it.
The yacht is for rent by the way.

Thanks for joining.

I can imagine you on the coast savoring delicious mouthwatering meals during your tour