Available to Date...

in Freewriters4 months ago


The concept of dating and finding love have so much been complicated these days because of selfish ambitions people have in a relationship. Everyone is after what is in it for me, and this is bad. Selfishness like this cannot make a relationship grow because it was built on a lie.

Now, the availability to date depends on your standing in the society. How much do you have?
What's your net worth?
What do you have to offer?

Trivial things that do not really matter are now the order of the day. Just going out on a date is a big deal now, you have to prepare money worth starting up a small business just to impress if you are a guy and ladies are over a frenzy about their body shapes, like that's all they need to work on.

No more values!

Although, there are still people that are available to date and they have a good heart. They are scarce, but they are still very much around. Find them!

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Yeah that's true @ezun1 love can wait, find the someone who loves you moreeeee.