A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words || The Grateful Coffee Farmer

in Freewriters2 years ago


Describing what I see
This is an old coffee farmer who looks delighted and proud to show off the bountiful harvest of his basket filled with freshly plucked coffee cherries.

Describing what I feel
I feel the old farmer is excited because he never expected such a bountiful harvest and was shocked to have harvested this much from his farm.

Perhaps he has toiled for seasons on his farm and got nothing but fortunately, this season blessing was rained on his farm that when he went to harvest, he harvested so much that he could not help but show to everyone the outcome of his farm.

He couldn't help but thank God as he went around showing the villagers his bountiful harvest after almost giving up on harvesting such a large amount.


Mr. Gabriel has been a farmer for years and had always gotten a good amount of produce from his farm for sales in the market. One day, erosion took place in their small town washing away the top layer of their fertile soil useless for farming.

Mr. Gabriel felt frustrated because farming on his small plot of land to sell in the market was the only business he knows how to do and that was the only source of income his family had to survive.

He tried every means available to restore the lost soil the erosion washed away but year after year, seasons after seasons there was nothing to show for his hard work and toil in his land. He never comes back home with a reasonable amount of harvest that would be enough for his family consumption and even for selling in the market. He decided to try one last time before giving up on his farm and this time around he decided to plant coffee seed on his farm.

The next day, he woke up from his sleep, called all his family members and he asked them all to come together to pray. As they did their morning devotion, he asked them to pray for a bountiful harvest from his farm this season as he his about to go and plant coffee which is in his hands. His family all joined their voices to pray to God to bless his harvest this season.

Mr. Gabriel goes to his farm, does the necessary things, and finally plants his seed as he prays to the heavens to bless him. He awaits the harvest time with so much hope, and always goes to his farm to water, weed, and inspect the growth. He was not happy that the growth was not how he had expected but he did not give up.

It was time for harvest, he woke up from his bed, prayed with his family, picked his basket and cutlass, and set out for his farm. He started picking his coffee cherry and to his amazement, he got a bountiful harvest of coffee cherries, enough to feed his family and sell to the market.

Mr. Gabriel couldn't contain his joy as he held the basked up to heaven, knelt, and blessed God for such a harvest. He went around the village showing everyone what he got from his farm with a smile on his face.

The villagers kept asking him how he got such an outrageous harvest after a long while of not harvesting anything from his farm and kept pointing hands to the heavens. Telling them God did it for him.

Thanks for reading, upvoting, and reblogging my article!!!

Here is the link to anyone who wishes to give it a try.


Hello @carlynn. Ask, and you shall receive. The old farmer knew what to do after trying all earthly solutions. It was the way he was raised.

I like your summary of what you saw and felt about the photo.

Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for your review, I appreciate it.

A great harvest is worth the waiting and work. Thank you for your entry.