Cosmic Creation: Sad Dog

in Alien Art Hive9 months ago


Hello friend,
This weekend has been wonderful, I hope you all are doing okay. I made a journey back to school yesterday it was exciting see the world there a glass, i had to sit in the bus for hour and it was quite stressful. We made a stop on the way to get so supplies to refresh ourself before we continue the journey cause it was a 6 hour ride to school. I sighted a woman far off deep in thought she appears to be really sad. I wondered what she had be thinking of that made her so side but i guess that's life it gives ,it takes, we have our happy and sad moment.

That is nature at play in the like of her i made a drawing of a sad puppy to express what i had seen and how nature works, it's designed in sure a way that we feel what the once close to us does as they also do. I would be using this drawing as my entry into the cosmic creation contest. I hope you all love it i mad use of an 8B pencil to make this drawing . Do tell me what you think about my drawing so i could improve where neccessary.

  • Process





Nice work friend

Awnnnn, such a cutie!🤗

I know 😊❤, thank you . I still want to learn how to add more expression and make portraits like you do

Thanks for joining the contest again Vicky!

I really appreciate the opportunity to participate in this contest

This is incredibly cute I love it, nice to see your entry again.

Thank you so much

Thanks you so much