Two Face alien Rodney πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸš€( Original digital art created from scratch I post new creations daily)

in Alien Art Hive β€’ 2 years ago

kgakakillerg original content

Hi everyone good morning I hope that you are all good and well today

I hope that you have all enjoyed your week so far

Ok let's talk so there's so stuff going on right in front of our faces a lot of people can not see what's happening

There's so many people just pretending to be someone else

There's so many people promoting blatant pyramid scheme's and the funny thing is they are being supported πŸ€”

There is certain apps that are supporting spammers and are actually attracting more and more spammers

We don't need apps that are going to attract spammers we need apps that Will attract real people and real investors

I hear so many people talking about mass adoption the funny thing is that mass adoption is a thing that probably won't happen

If mass adoption did happen I don't believe it would affect the price in a positive way as most people would just power down and sell everything they make which would make the price crash so hard that it would probably never recover

We still have people selling votes online and offline

We now have a app where you can buy vote's and it's being abused by spammers

We now have apps where you can just write words and it creates art for you πŸ˜‚

So now we have even more spammers spamming away

We have the worst people curating πŸ˜‚

As I've said before nothing will grow if it stays the same

People really need to wake up and smell the coffee

Ok back to my creations I'm not sure what I'm going to call these creations I'm just trying to think of a name while I'm writing this post

I think I will call these creations Two face Alien Rodney

Ok here's one of the finished versions and it's also one of my favourite versions to everyone who is reading this right now let me know which version is your favourite one after checking out all the different versions

kgakakillerg original content

Here's the first version I created

kgakakillerg original content,

Here's the second version I created

kgakakillerg original content

Here's the third and final version I created

Thanks for reading and viewing this post I hope that you liked this post

If you did like this post why not check out my other posts like this post @kgakakillerg

I post my own original content on a daily basis like comment share follow me on Instagram and Twitter @kgakakillerg


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Nicely done

Thanks πŸ‘πŸΎ