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RE: BLUE LOCK (anime) Didn't Fail My Expectations <3 <3 <3

in The Anime Realmlast year

I just recently finished binge watching this a month ago and damn it was so good! I even tried to read the manga just so I would know who would make it to the next group selection. There were a lot of unexpected turns throughout the series and couldn't believe how he lost his original members during those final round of season 1! Urggggh it was so intense.

My favorite character was Seishiro Nagi. I just like how naturally gifted he was. Although he wasn't interested at all but during the final episodes, he shined through because of Yoichi Isagi.


I feel you!!! I was still so excited watching the anime despite knowing what's going to happen since I've read the manga before... but the anticipation is pretty evident. haha

Ohh~ Nagi's character development is top-notch!