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RE: IAAC for 23rd August 2022 - My new busy schedule

The transcript features Bradley discussing various aspects of his life and current projects. He begins by sharing his positive outlook on life and encourages others to stay positive regardless of their circumstances. Bradley then reveals that he is embarking on a project to build an ensuite onto his master bedroom for his wife's comfort, specifically mentioning the addition of a whirlpool tub, vanity, and toilet.

He acknowledges that this project will consume much of his free time, particularly his evenings and weekends, limiting his availability on platforms like Hive. Despite this, Bradley reiterates his commitment to posting daily without any excuses. He reflects on his long-standing belief in consistency and mentions his extensive posting history on Hive.

Bradley also mentions working on a project called BBHBOT with the help of a friend, emphasizing the importance of online security in this endeavor. He acknowledges the challenges he faces due to his limited time and steep learning curve but expresses confidence in eventually getting BBHBOT up and running securely.

Additionally, Bradley invites his audience to visit his blog post, where he provides links for listeners to join him and show support on Hive Engine. He shares his recent purchase and staking of worker bee tokens, celebrating soon reaching a milestone of owning 100 tokens. Bradley concludes by referencing his upcoming work commitments and encourages everyone to have a fantastic day while staying positive.

In summary, Bradley's update covers his personal life, upcoming projects, commitment to consistency in posting content, efforts to enhance online security, engagement with his audience on various platforms, and his positive outlook on life despite facing time constraints.

Notice: This is an AI-generated summary based on a transcript of the video. The summarization of the videos in this channel was requested and/or approved by the channel owner.