Simple Lifehack : Whatsapp Trick For A Clearer Mind

in Proof of Brain3 years ago

I don't know about you but I am constantly getting messages on Whatsapp.

From my colleagues wanting to get an answer on an issue quickly to my friends telling me about their day to group chats that are on fire and full of memes.

It is A LOT.



A neverending stream of information and notifications that are vying for my attention all the time

And it is tiring as hell.

But I didn't realize how exhausting it is until I archived all my chats.

Look how clean.
How crisp.
How utterly satisfying.

Screenshot from my Whatsapp

Except my ME ME ME chat which is basically a group chat with only myself in it.
I send it reminders about things I need to do and links that I want to read later.
The me me me chat is actually also a lifehack if you ask me ;) .
Just start a group with someone and then delete them and voila!

Archiving my chats has not only given me space in my Whatsapp.
It has given me space in my head.
My Whatsapp is orderly and neat.
By keeping the chats open that I need to respond to, I don't need to remember who to reply to.
I am very guilty of hastily reading a message and then telling myself I'll reply later only to forget of course.

I thought I used to thrive in chaos but it's the opposite.
And it took a very VERY long time for me to admit to this.
I was attached to the identity of chaotic person

And I am on a mini journey with myself trying to find small ways and hacks to simplify my life.
And it is making a difference.

A calmer, more 'here' me that is slowly getting my creativity back.
It feels good.

What do you use to bring structure to your life?
How do you simplify things?

Over and out,


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I deleted whatsapp. That works pretty well, too. :D

Hahaha, I wish I could.
But unfortunately too many things in my life depend on it. :P

I still have Signal. I'm not anti messaging app. I just don't like to use stuff Facebook controls. Once I found out they owned Whatsapp and Instagram I stopped using one and just never really got into the other.

I would say signal or matrix got to be the best messaging applications. It ultimately depends on the person

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