Garden Updates: My Babies Are Budding!!! + Our Garden's Visitor

Good morning friends!
It's time for me to report another garden update.

Yesterday morning, I went to check the plants in the garden and I'm glad to see some buds on some of my plants. I've showed you the budding flower of the eggplant on my video update and just a couple days later, the flower bloomed and it's so pretty!


I took this photo this morning when I went to the garden to do my daily routine. Yesterday, this was how the eggplant bud looked like.



And just overnight, one flower blossomed. Hopefully, we'd get to see the actual eggplant veggie soon.

In addition to these flowers, I noticed a much smaller bud on the same plant this morning. This was what I saw...


Can you see it? I couldn't focus the camera well because it was too small... but it'll grow bigger the next couple of days for sure.

Also, our okra (bonsai) also started showing a bunch of buds. Let me show them to you..



We have around 4-5 pots of okra (bonsai) in our family garden since we gave away the others and we placed some in the community garden. The plant itself is so small since it's the bonsai type, so the buds are really cute to look at. I hope the ones in the community garden are growing well, too. I unfortunately couldn't visit last weekend because I wasn't feeling that well, so I just stayed at home.



If you thought that's it? You thought wrong! haha Because our tomato also started showing some buds. We have about 2-3 pots of tomatoes at home. This one is the biggest and it's in front of the house. They other two are much smaller, but I also saw a tiny bud in one of them.

It just makes me happy to see them grow and show some progress. Of course, our more than a dozen lettuce are doing equally well. hahaha

And since our garden has been pretty lively the past months, I see some visitors from time to time. Today it was this cute white butterfly..



It was flying around the garden and settled on one of our ornamental plant. However, when I went back to check the veggies, it somehow followed me there and stayed on the soil. Here's it's picture. I wonder if you could see it well.


We sometimes see some white and yellow butterflies in the garden, but mostly there are dragonflies. They're all very cute, so I like seeing them in the garden as well. They mostly stay in the ornamental plants, especially the flowers. :)

That's it for now. Thanks for checking my update and I'll see you on the next one! Time for work! Have a great one!!!!