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RE: Lockdown with some nice frosty bud 🔥

in GEMS4 years ago

That looks so freakin' nice man! Here in EU where it's illegal to possess/smoke weed and our supply chains are cut by the lockdown. All stock we had has dried up. Haven't smoked in days and it's getting me anxious.


Thanks 👍🏾 wish I could share with you it's illegal over here in the UK I picked up two different strains about a week ago now still got quite a bit left will need to get some more next week if I can I hope you can get something sorted stay safe my friend and thanks for stopping by

It's about time they #legalizeit worldwide!

It think they should legalizeit worldwide to because the amount of people who smoke it on a daily basis I really wish I could share some of my bud with you stay safe my friend 🤝