Walk around photographing...

in GEMS4 years ago
I follow the routine of walking around, observing any detail that contains a bit of beauty, and attentive to the opportune moments for taking photos.


In the past, I felt a little lazy to take a photo, probably due to the lack of purpose, but now, having a good photo to add in my publication has made me much more alert to certain scenes and elements that appear all the time and that deserve registration.


Going out for a walk with my children on the dunes, seeing the sea, and then watching them playing on the beach makes me relaxed and happy.


A stunned little bird on the woodland lawn must have been learning to fly, and despite his parents' menacing screams from the branches above, I couldn't waste the chance for a closer look.


At the end of the day this time the clouds fell to a shade of pink, and again the almost warm breeze facilitated the walk back home.

All photos on this blog are made by me with a smartphone.


Nice shots! 😎