New creative process - Art in the snow through our #lego creativity - Our new clay cottage - photos of our present stage ...

in GEMS3 years ago (edited)

While i am thinking on how everything takes an interesting turn on who is receiving #upvotes and for what quality of original #artworks ... i am continuing to create and step forward and trying not to fall inside this emotional trap ... which for an artist it's an interesting protocol to be aware and to apply it on his daily life during the process of creativity :)

Especially now, when the internet it's invaded with things that maybe should be questioned twice ...

Anniway, hopefully this blockchain it's still supporting my #artworks ...

Today was a truly adventure!

Not only that the snow arrived, finally, in some quite good quantities, so we could finally feel that Spirit of Christmas is back, which actually it's always there in our souls and minds :) but we simply created an unique moment by creating Santa's sleigh in our own way ...


It came out of nowhere, and i've combined the whole magic scene with GandElf and his carriage :)

You can see that even Filius, the elf was at his magic service, helping Santa to ride on that big snow ...

The magic blue deer and the white horse are some powerful creatures with magical strength and being led by Filius and Harry Potter, there was no stress for Santa and GandElf :)

What a team, man!!!


Everywhere they looked, it was filled with snow :)

You could feel, like you would be somewhere in Antarctica or inside the magic Winter Wonderland ...

Such a scene could suit very well inside a crystal snow ball that would be the portal to that sacred world of Christmas ...

They were heading to their house, which was already not so far from them ...

There, they will meet Hagrid and another magic elf from Santa's squad ...

They've arrived in the evening ...

The candlestick was lightning outside the cottage, offering that enchanting winter landscape ...


While the snowflakes were falling like the little angels from heaven, Hagrid and the elf were waiting for them i front of the door ...

While they've been welcoming Santa and his magic squad, they've left the door opened, and, from the inside of the cottage, you could smell already, the warm soup, which was already bubbling and the flavor of cinnamon, from Santa's cocoa milk, could be felt already from quite a distance from the magic cottage. What an awesome place to live ...


Now, this is a place where i will live ... and i don't think there would be someone who would say that they would not like to live there too ...

I know, some of you already have seen my clay sculptures from other episodes, but today i've thought to start a new design of a clay cottage for my #lego buddies.

Here is the first step on which even my buddy, the magic elf, helped me, and actually cleaned a lot after all those straw felt from the roof ...


We are on the very first steps in the process of sculpting our clay cottage ...

It requires time to dry, therefore, it takes different stages to achieve a final artistic #artwork ...

The best thing as well, was, the fact that we've received help, when Filius and Dobby appeared, and brought some cool ideas :))


From time to time, Dobby would appear on the roof of the cottage to see the entire spectrum and to take some new sketches,


while Filius and the elf were creating everything on the ground through magic.


When everything was set for this first step within the process of building this cottage, they would sit on top of the cottage, admiring their magic #artwork ...


This cottage will look awesome when it will reach the final steps through its creation process and will be as well a magic lamp :)

Imagine a clay cottage like this being a magic lamp inside an enchanted forest.
Living the life of an elf, or a leprechaun without having this stress of this crazy world ...

Maybe i am a dreamer? Much appreciated your comments and the most important thing, the stepping by and #upvote my #artwork ...

My buddies, whispered me that they will thank you all for your #support and soon we'll finish this magic clay cottage.



@tipu curate