My Day 5 Challenge - What are you afraid of ?

in GEMS4 years ago

So, this is my day five challenge. Well, it is obvious that everyone has fears or phobia and I am not left out but how we handle them makes it our strength.


So, I have fears for rivers, like i love saying, "Water sweet inside cup only"🤣. I enjoy water only when it is inside cup but if it goes beyond that, i get freaked out. I will gladly and wholeheartedly refuse any invitation that involves me transporting using water.

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I have fear for snake, yeah funny enough, even at the mention of it name, I get goosebumps all over my body. And I pray I don't get to see it with my two eyes because the day I see it, I will disappear from the surface of the earth and not won't appear back. My fear for this reptile is so much that i hate even a design that is made of the skin or looks like that.

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My fear of pain from a relationship is one thing that is getting the best of me and it is actually making me run away from relationships.

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The fear of getting heartbroken in a relationship scares me to my marrow.

I have a fear of heights. Oh my God, I can't stand heights. in as much as I hate snakes, I can't stand heights. I don't dare do this because it is going to be the death of me. Even the thoughts of someone carrying me on their back scares me. Their is this thought of i am going to fall down.

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See you next time on my Day 6 Challenge.


Continue fearing everything, even love ni you dey fear.
Come let me lay hands on you😂😂🏃🏃😀
Don't mind me joor nice write up.
Thumbs up👍👍👍

Lols. The layer of hands.

Ahhahaahhaha see u