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RE: Random Sketches I Made During Classes With Kids <3


Yes... :)
Well, I think it's easier to teach them in person although it's more physically challenging, but you can do a lot of activities together. Since I teach online, we try to do stuff while talking like drawing. If they aren't into drawing, I try to discover what they are into and we can play or do it together. I also have some stuffed toys or plushie prepared, so we can play with them by roleplaying, etc... It's really a challenge to get their attention... haha xDD That's why I prefer working with adult students... ^^ I love kids, though.. haha


That's what I did as well, finding out what they like/wants. I want to teach adult students but I am not that confident 😃 eventhough they are definitely easier to teach.

Just give it a shot. :) It's fun... ^^