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RE: It's just western thuja

in HiveGarden2 years ago

It strikes me how much gardening can be a long term vision. Be interested to see what you make of these hedges when they grow the way you want them to.


Мыслей очень много. Это пока то, что было сделано и о чем я писала. Пока ряд стриженой туи в камнях. Тротуарную плитку во дворе положили в этом году. Ну а весенне-летние снимки будут уже скоро.

There are a lot of thoughts. This is what has been done so far and what I wrote about. So far, a row of sheared arborvitae in the stones. Paving slabs in the yard were laid this year. Well, spring-summer pictures will soon be.