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RE: The oldest anarchy server in Minetest

in Hive Gaming4 years ago

Lol I got minecraft for $8 before anyone even knew what it was, I think I have the steam version and Xbox version as well. What a oddly popular title, its crazy how its still coming up.


Minecraft has never been on steam, are you thinking of of the Bedrock Edition on the Microsoft Store? Anyone who owned the original/Java Edition before Bedrock came out got Bedrock for free.

Personally I think Minetest has more promise, it's open source and is extremely easy to mod, just needs more polish and it would be perfect.

I had to log in with my email and password at the main menu, I only played it for a few days but remember enjoying it overall. Probably as you said some legacy version, it was never on any official platform when i had it. No even sure if i could play with friends or if there was a xp and level system.